Agenda item

Application for renewal of Private Hire Vehicle Licence

To receive a report of the Corporate Director - Environment.


The sub-committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Environment for the grant of a renewal of a Private Hire Vehicle Licence that did not comply with the standard criteria, as set out in North Yorkshire Council’s (NYC) Taxi Licensing Policy, which imposes general 10-year age limits in respect of private hire vehicles.




Having considered the content of the report, the verbal presentation by the Licensing Enforcement Officer on behalf of the licensing authority, the verbal presentation by the applicant, the inspection of the vehicle, the relevant legislation and case law, the Council’s Taxi Licensing Policy and the statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards issued by the Department of Transport, and taking into account all relevant matters, the Licensing sub-committee


To renew the Private Hire Vehicle Licence for the period of one year.

Supporting documents: