Agenda item

ZB23/02015/FUL - Installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) array/solar farm with associated infrastructure (as amended) - OS Fields 7456 And 6163,Amplecarr, Husthwaite


Considered -


The report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services requesting Members to determine a planning application ref. ZB23/02015/FUL - Installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) array/solar farm with associated infrastructure (as amended) – OS Fields 7456 And 6163,Amplecarr, Husthwaite


The application was reported to Strategic Planning Committee as it was considered that the application raised significant planning issues.


A representative of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services presented the Committee report, highlighting the proposal, the site description, the consultation that had taken place, the advertisement and representations, planning guidance and policy and planning considerations.  The report also provided a conclusion and recommendations. An update to the report had been provided prior to the meeting which highlighted omissions from the original report, additional local resident representations, additional re-consultation responses from local residents, additional re-consultation responses from other consultees and comments submitted by the agent for the applicant following the publication of the report.


Divisional Member, Councillor Alyson Baker, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Policies in place for the protection of the countryside and landscape

·        Welcomed the recommendation for refusal

·        Loss of best and most versatile land

·        Sheep grazing would be difficult

·        Cumulative impact


Simon Pilcher, a local objector, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Representing a large number of objectors

·        Development in wrong place

·        Loss of best and most versatile land

·        Detrimental to local businesses and community

·        Too close to local school

·        Impact on landscape


Councillor Chris Nichols, Husthwaite Parish Council, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Representing the people of the village

·        Not the right location for such a development

·        Detrimental to landscape and best and most versatile land

·        Lost trust in scheme and process – not addressed representations made

·        Industrialisation of rural area


Michael Bird, representing the applicant addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Lives near to the application site

·        The impact on the local landscape overplayed in the report

·        The National Park Authority not raised objections

·        The impact on best and most versatile land was limited

·        The Secretary of Stated emphasised that climate change was the main issue to be addressed.

·        Solar Panel use on agricultural land was minimal.


Members discussed the application and the following issues were outlined:-


·        Energy production in comparison to size of site – changing technology make more efficient going forward

·        Weighting of influencing factors outlined.

·        Details in respect of the security fencing surrounding the site

·        The wording of the recommendation required alteration to ensure it made sense

·        Maintenance details for the Solar Panels

·        Local Plan details confirmed

·        Use of land – some land already utilised for energy generation

·        The land and landscape were not exceptional for the area

·        The loss of best and most versatile land was detrimental to the application

·        Current policy warranted a recommendation for refusal

·        There was a clear need to reduce carbon and address the climate emergency

·        The application did not accord with the current landscape

·        The proposal was not in the most appropriate place and was too near to the local school

·        The application was finely balanced


A proposal to approve the application was seconded. The Committee’s Legal Representative informed Members that the Constitution provided that they may wish to consider a proposal to defer a decision to approve, to ensure that appropriate information, including a suite of conditions, could be made available, to enable Members to make an informed decision. Members agreed, therefore, to recall the initial proposal and replace that with a proposal to defer the application for the provision of additional information, including a suite of conditions. Details of the required information were outlined.


Resolved –


That the application be DEFERRED for consideration at a subsequent meeting of this Committee to allow the requested information and a suite of conditions to be provided.


Councillors George Jabbour and Roberta Swiers left the meeting

Supporting documents: