The report of the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer presenting to the Committee, for information and consideration, statistical information regarding standards complaints received.
During the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, the Council received 174 complaints that members may have breached the relevant authority’s code of conduct for Members.
During the period 1 April 2024 to 28 August 2024, a further 83 complaints have been
Since Vesting Day on 1 April 2023 to 28 August 2024, a total of 257 standards
complaints have therefore been received.
The Committee noted from the report that;
In total, 214 assessments have so far been completed by the Monitoring Officer and
Deputy Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Independent Persons for
A high proportion of these complaints were in respect of Members of three
Town/Parish Councils.
Of the 214 complaints which have so far been assessed, 180 complaints did not merit referral for formal investigation, 6 complaints were recommended for informal resolution, 28 complaints were referred for investigation and 1 complaint was closed as the subject Member was no longer a Councillor.
The Committee further noted that;
2 hearing panels had been convened on 11 June and 20 August 2024 respectively:
The remaining investigations are still live. A further update will be given to the
Committee when the Monitoring Officer is in a position to do so.
A discussion then followed with the following to note;
It was asked what the role of the Independent Person (IP) entailed.
This is a requirement of the Localism Act and the view of the IP must be taken into account before any decision on an investigated matter is made as a matter of law. At North Yorkshire Council, the IP is consulted at all key stages of the complaint handling process. The IP is involved in the assessment process from the first stage and the view of a different IP (where possible) is sought during a hearing.
It was asked why the process takes so long, specifically in relation to the panel hearing on 20 August 2024.
The complaint was received in May 2023, assessed in July along with a significant amount of other complaints. An investigative report was requested in September 2023 which was subsequently received in April 2024, there were then two periods of purdah during the elections for Mayor and the General Election, alongside holiday availability of all parties involved.
It was noted that investigations were carried out by an external body.
One of the IP’s added that there were an increasing number of complaints and that did not seem to be reducing and that the process was resource intensive and expensive in terms of the number of hours involved in the process.
It was moved by Councillor Ireton and seconded by Councillor Knapton that the Committee notes the current position on standards complaints received.
That the Committee notes the current position on standards complaints received.
This was agreed unanimously.
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