Agenda item

Proposals for the allocation of the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund

To consider project proposals under the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund.



Considered – report of the Corporate Director (Community Development).


Members were requested to consider project proposals under the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund; to approve the process for endorsement of proposals and endorse proposals that could meet the objectives of the fund and be completed within the required timescales.


Presenting the report, the Principal Regeneration Officer explained the proposed process for endorsing the suggested projects, given the tight timescales to deliver outcomes within the current financial year.


Rather than seeking Committee approval for a list of projects for which Scoping Reports are subsequently completed and reported to the next Committee in three months' time, Officers were seeking endorsement of project proposals by the Committee based on the outline scoping reports (see appendices 1 – 7 of the report).


Each of the projects endorsed by the Committee would then be subject to the following process:

·        Finalise scoping report

·        Complete Climate Change and Equalities Impact Assessments

·        Evaluation of proposal

·        Discuss with Executive Member for Open to Business

·        Final approval and sign-off by the Director of Community Development


Following initial discussion of the proposals, Councillor Dadd proposed and Councillor Baker seconded that the proposal to conduct traffic and parking surveys in Easingwold (see appendix 5 of the report) be removed due to the risks associated with the project.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried unanimously.


Members considered the best method of prioritising the remaining proposals and it was proposed by Councillor Sladden and seconded by Councillor Cross that officers take forward the remaining projects and progress those that are deliverable up to the remaining value of the Fund.


Councillor Jabbour suggested that Division Members may wish to consider contributing additional funds from their Locality Budgets if appropriate.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.




That officers take forward the remaining projects and, following the revised process above, progress those that are deliverable up to the remaining value of the Fund.


Voting record

12 For

1 Abstention


Supporting documents: