1) That the Executive approve the acceptance of the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund grant of up to £34,345,388 and approves of The North Yorkshire Council match funding of up to £28,945,587.
2) That the acceptance of the final grant award allocation, subject to suitable terms and conditions, be delegated to the Corporate Director Resources following consultation with the Corporate Director Community Development, the Executive Member for Resources and Finance, the Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing and the Executive Member for Managing our Environment.
Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Community Development recommending the acceptance of grant funding from the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 up to £34,345,588 and requesting approval of NYC match funding up to £28,945,587.
The Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing, Councillor Simon Myers, introduced the report which presented an opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of the Council’s housing stock. The grant funding would enable 2,700 homes to be retrofitted, reducing carbon emissions and fuel bills, with the remaining 1,500 homes to be improved in further iterations of the fund.
Nic Harne, Corporate Director Community Development, advised that improved management data would enable the homes of those in greatest need of support to be prioritised, including sheltered housing and vulnerable people. Work would be undertaken by area.
The Council would be informed of its funding allocation in early 2025, to accept the grant NYC was required to sign and return a grant offer letter, grant funding agreement and data sharing agreement within 14 days. As the timeframe did not align with the Council’s usual decision making processes agreement was sought to accept the funding up to the maximum potential amount and the maximum potential amount of match funding, with authority delegated as detailed in the resolution to accept the final grant award allocation.
Resolved (unanimously)
1) That the Executive approve the acceptance of the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund grant of up to £34,345,388 and approves of The North Yorkshire Council match funding of up to £28,945,587.
2) That the acceptance of the final grant award allocation, subject to suitable terms and conditions, be delegated to the Corporate Director Resources following consultation with the Corporate Director Community Development, the Executive Member for Resources and Finance, the Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing and the Executive Member for Managing our Environment.
Reason for the Recommendations
It is recommended that NYC accepts the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund grant to support investment of the social housing stock. It will also contribute to the delivery of multiple Council objectives in the Council Plan, Climate Change Strategy, and the emerging Housing Strategy. It will also have a positive impact on the Economic Development Strategy and public health targets regarding fuel poverty.
Alternative Options Considered
Not to bid: this was rejected as the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund supports investment in the Council’s housing stock with associated co-benefits of alleviating fuel poverty, improving public health, and supporting low carbon economic transition.
To bid as part of a consortium: this was rejected as previous applicants cannot reapply. The suggested approach to bid as an individual organisation ensures that the Council will retain full oversight and control of the project in the local area.
To bid for more or less funding: This was rejected. Up to 2,700 properties over three years is felt to be challenging whilst being realistic in relation to capacity to deliver the number of homes. In addition, it was felt that there needed to be the right balance between maximising the available grant, which in turn will reduce the need for full investment by the Housing Revenue Account alone, and affordability within the financial plan. There is further explanation as to how this is measured within the financial implications.
Supporting documents: