Agenda item

Schools Condition Capital Programme 2021/22

The Executive are asked to recommend to the Chief Executive Officer that under his emergency delegated powers he:

i.     Approve the proposedSchoolsCapital Programmefor2021/22as summarisedin AppendixA and including the increasedallocation to the SpecialistProvision TargetedCapital Programme;

ii.     Approve the list of strategicpriority/ modernisationschemesfor2021/22as setout in AppendixB;

iii.    Approve the Planned Capital Maintenance Programmefor2021/22as set out in AppendixC;

iv.   Agreethecontinuation of theapproachfordealing with anyschoolsthat converttoAcademystatus followingtheapproval of the Programme as laid out in paragraph3.3



Considered – A reportof the CorporateDirector forChildrenandYoungPeoplesService seeking approval of the SchoolsCondition CapitalProgrammefor 2021/22.


County councillor Patrick Mulligan introduced the report detailing the background to the DfE’sallocation of Schools Condition funding totallin9.783m to NorthYorkshireCounty Councilfor2021/22 based on their new allocation methodology.    He also drew specific attention to:

·            Paragraph 3.6 – the priorities for investment;

·            Paragraph 8.4 – the backlog in maintenance, in many cases those being major defects

·            Paragraph 8.16 – the Specialist Provision TargetedCapital Programmetosupport the ambitionscontainedin the SEND Strategic Plan


Having considered the report and the information provided at the meeting, Executive Members agreed to recommend to the Chief Executive that using his delegated powers, he:

i.     Approve the proposedSchoolsCapital Programmefor2021/22as summarisedin AppendixA and including the increasedallocation to the SpecialistProvision TargetedCapital Programme;

i.     Approve the list ofstrategicpriority/ modernisationschemesfor2021/22as setout in AppendixB;

iii.    Approve the Planned Capital Maintenance Programmefor2021/22as set out in AppendixC;

iv.   Agreethecontinuation of theapproachfordealing with anyschoolsthat converttoAcademystatus followingtheapproval of the Programme as laid out in paragraph3.3




The Chief Executive considered the report, additional information provided at the meeting and the views of the Executive, and resolved to approve the recommendations in the report.







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