Agenda item

Update on Active Travel in North Yorkshire

Purpose: To update Forum members on active travel issues.


Louise Neale, Transport Planning Team Leader highlighted a renewed and extended emphasis on sustainable travel nationally, and provided an update on Active Travel which included:

·          An overview of a new local transport note – LTN120 issued in July 2020, covering how to plan for cycling, the required space for cycling, junctions and crossings etc;

·          The barriers to modal shift to cycling i.e. the perceived danger associated with cycling such as the volume and speed of traffic;

·          The various categories of infrastructure e.g. segregated cycle paths, light segregation, cycle lanes etc;

·          The challenges associated with the implementation of LTN120;

·          An update on cycling in relation to the Definitive Map – it was noted there was no facility to record  cycle paths and cycleways on the Definitive Map;

·          Use of the planning process to increase active travel infrastructure – it was noted that whilst there was no obligation on developers to improve active travel opportunities, they were often asked to.  Whilst the Authority could ask for cycling infrastructure, the associated costs were often a barrier to their inclusion in planning applications.

·          Funding for cycling improvements came from central Government;   

·          The changes to the Highways Code would affect cycling but would not affect the design of infrastructure;


Paul Sherwood raised the issue of the Authority’s interface with National Highways in relation to cycleways / bridle path.  He noted that they often end when they come to a trunk road with no facility for onward movement.  Louise Neale confirmed that where this issue occurred, it was often an historic scheme. On newer schemes, the Local Authority worked with partners e.g. National Highways, Network Rail etc in an attempt to ensure a meaningful end to cycleway / bridle path route, but that it was not always possible due to a range of reasons e.g. lack of funding.


County Councillor David Jeffels referred to the use of barriers to aid cyclists by making the road safer and reducing the speed of traffic.  He also suggested the use of 106 money from housing developers to finance the appropriate infrastructure to enable sustainable travel options.


It was noted that the Highways Asset Management team were currently mapping the entire cycling infrastructure across the county that was not public rights of way, which once completed would be added as an additional layer on the map available via the NYCC website.


Rachel Connolly drew attention to the NYLAF letter to the DfT, which highlighted the lack on inclusivity in DFT’s policy and approach, and noted that the ambiguity of the DFT’s response.  Louise Neale confirmed the Authority did refer enquiries to, and consult with, the British Horse Society where appropriate.


In regard to Active Travel Plans, Louise Neale confirmed that to date the focus had been mostly on urban areas, but the Authority was currently in the process of developing a feasibility plan for the Stokesley/Guisborough area.  She noted it was harder to get funding for not urban areas and confirmed that LGR was not preventing the team’s work from progressing.  Will Scarlet suggested that horse riders and carriage drivers would welcome the opportunity to be consulted on schemes.


Finally, the Chair suggested that the condition of the highways made cycling hazardous.


The Chair thanked Louise Neale for her update, and it was


Resolved: That the update be noted.



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