Agenda item

The operation of leisure services in Selby district 2024 onwards


The Executive is asked to:

i)       Note the decisions taken by Selby District Council on 1 September 2022: 

·      To support the proposed Selby interim service option, which was the transfer to a Teckal company;

·      Not to re-procure its leisure contract; and

·      Engage with any future proposals that were considered by North Yorkshire’s Executive later in the autumn, in relation to a countywide Strategic Leisure Review.

ii)      Approve the interim proposal for Selby Leisure services, with the services being provided by Brimhams Active from August 2024, pending the implementation of a countywide service delivery model for leisure and sport.

iii)     Approve the commencement in 2023 of a countywide Strategic Leisure Review, overseen by a Member Working Group, chaired by the Executive Member for Planning for Growth, with final recommendations to be presented to Executive during 2023/24.

iv)     Approve the allocation of up to £120k for the strategic review, with this to be funded from the earmarked LGR funds.



Considered – A report of the Corporate Director Health and Adult Services / Local Government Re-organisation Sponsor for Culture, Leisure and Sportentitled ‘Shaping the future of Leisure Services in the new North Yorkshire Council’, setting out the key issues impacting on Leisure Services following the establishment of the new North Yorkshire Council; proposing a countywide Strategic Leisure Review; and seeking approval for an interim leisure service for Selby whilst the countywide strategic review was undertaken.


County Councillor Simon Myers introduced the report and provided a brief overview of the background to the previous Selby District Council decision  regarding awarding an interim contract to Brimhams Active, as detailed in the report, drawing attention to the cost analysis carried out and the strategic reasons behind that decision.


In regard to the future introduction of a new Leisure Strategy, he noted the new Authority would be taking possession of a vast and diverse range of leisure and sports services/facilities across the county, run through a plethora of operating models, and therefore recognised the need for a timely countywide Strategic Leisure Review.


Finally, he thanked officers for their work in support of the LGR workstream and for the report.


Richard Webb, Corporate Director Health and Adult Services noted the importance of having a good interim offer in place in Selby whilst a Strategic Review was undertaken. He drew attention to Appendix 1 of the report providing the rationale behind Selby District Council’s decision and Appendix 2 an initial draft of the proposed Strategic Review, which he confirmed could start early in the new year.


Karen Iveson, NYCC AD Strategic Resources & Chief Financial Officer at Selby District Council drew attention to the high level financial assessment that had been undertaken but noted that the figures in the report were indicative only at this stage.


Members agreed a strategic review was a logical first step and noted the indicative timings for the transfer of the individual contracts.  It was confirmed that all ongoing contracts had been reviewed to assess when they could be moved over in to a single service delivery model.


Resolved – That:

i)       the decisions taken by Selby District Council on 1 September 2022 be noted i.e.: 

·      To support the proposed Selby interim service option, which was the transfer to a Teckal company;

·      Not to re-procure its leisure contract; and

·      Engage with any future proposals that were considered by North Yorkshire’s Executive later in the autumn, in relation to a countywide Strategic Leisure Review.

ii)      Approve the interim proposal for Selby Leisure services, with the services being provided by Brimhams Active from August 2024, pending the implementation of a countywide service delivery model for leisure and sport.

iii)     Approve the commencement in 2023 of a countywide Strategic Leisure Review, overseen by a Member Working Group, chaired by the Executive Member for Planning for Growth, with final recommendations to be presented to Executive during 2023/24.

iv)     Approve the allocation of up to £120k for the strategic review, with this to be funded from the earmarked LGR funds.


Supporting documents: