Agenda item

NHS Update on North Yorkshire Place since Integrated Care Systems were established on 1 July 2022 - updates from Wendy Balmain - North Yorkshire Place Director, Humber and North Yorks Integrated Care Board and Louise Wallace - Director of Public Health NYCC


Considered – Wendy Balmain, North Yorkshire Place Director, Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board gave a presentation to Members on the North Yorkshire Place following the establishment the of Integrated Care Systems (ICS) on 1 July 2022.


Key points to note were:

·       The 6 local places across Humber and North Yorkshire and 5 sector collaboratives

·       North Yorkshire County occupies one third of that footprint

·       Key roles and responsibilities of Integrated Care Partnerships, Integrated Care Boards, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Place Committees

·       The Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Members

·       North Yorkshire Place Board Membership

·       Four Local Care Partnerships are being developed to reflect the diverse health and care needs of local communities

·       The New ICS strategy is being developed with clear alignment to the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board

·       Members of North Yorkshire County Council and the NHS Place Director will be represented at the Integrated Care Partnership

·       North Yorkshire Place priorities have been agreed at the Place Board

Priority 1: A comprehensive and integrated health and social care model Priority 2: A high quality care sector, with sufficient capacity to meet demand Priority 3: A strong workforce

Priority 4: Prevention and public health

·       Further detail in support of the 4 Strategic Priorities of the North Yorkshire Place plan and the key actions required to achieve these.


Councillor Andrew Murday asked what measures were in place to monitor the changes.

Wendy confirmed that there was sufficient funding and a number of metrics in place to monitor this and she would be happy to return to the Committee and report on progress in 12 months’ time.


Councillor Heather Moorhouse commented that some areas in North Yorkshire need extra support where there are less opportunities.

Councillor Clive Pearson referenced our natural assets and that we need to

connect and work together.

Wendy confirmed that the re organisation would allow a more joined up approach from colleagues resulting in a reduction in waiting lists.


Councillor Paul Haslam referred to the carbon footprint of hospitals and how climate change is being accounted for and the benefits of good nutrition.

Wendy referred to the Integrated Care Partnership and its aim to start well, live well and age well and add life to years and years to life.


Councillor Peter Lacey asked how this will be beneficial to North Yorkshire at a local level and how the winter fuel crisis may impact the County.

Wendy reiterated this was about a sensible approach to local needs and through the local care partnerships deprivation can be recognised and colleagues brought together to rectify.

Louise Wallace talked about the differences in population and the intelligence led data in use, which included the Craven area and the importance of people having up to date flu and Covid vaccinations. Community teams were working hard to promote this through communications and websites. The Director of Public Health Annual Report (DPHAR), also contains relevant local information and key priorities as well as case studies identifying lived in experiences. (2022 report to be published).


Councillor John Mann asked about the length of waiting lists and how we are looking to reduce this in North Yorkshire, the number of doctors that would need to be recruited and how to increase the flow of trainees and doctors generally.


There followed a discussion with the key points summarised below:

·       An international recruitment programme was currently underway with a focus on understanding where the gaps are and in which sectors in order to ensure the correct people would then be in the correct place

·       The workforce challenges being faced in the social care sector

·       Although the NHS is recruiting more doctors and nurses, training is long term, and the solution would not happen overnight

·       Recruitment is happening internationally

·       The carbon footprint of hospitals is largely due to the quality of estates although bids are in place to reduce these.


Councillor Liz Colling welcomed the approach and asked if there would be more joined up work in terms of co commissioning.

Louise Wallace responded that while there were no plans to activate section 75 partnership agreements as there were no contractual reasons to do so, we would look to build trust and increase communications and learn from the current section 75 agreements in place. There would also be a requirement to look at opportunities to move or change investments or budgets.


Councillor Richard Foster asked about rural equalities in relation to Craven and how it fits into the place structure and how politically we move forward and interact with West Yorkshire.

Louise reiterated that this was an important part of the way forward and it may be of benefit to invite Ali Jan Haider, the Place Director of West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board to a future Scrutiny of Health Meeting and/or Craven Area Constituency Committee.


Resolved – The Chairman thanked Wendy for her presentation and asked that she return to a future Scrutiny of Health meeting with an update on the progress of the ICB.

Louise Wallace would attend the December meeting to provide Members with data on sleep, nutrition, school meals and care homes.













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