Agenda item

Public Questions or Statements

Anyone who would like to ask a question or make a statement at the meeting should email notice of their wish to do so, including the full text of what they intend to say, to as soon as possible, and by midday on Monday 21 November 2022 at the latest.  Speakers are each asked not to exceed 3 minutes’ speaking time and to read out only the statement/question of which they have submitted notice, without adding to or altering it.  No person may submit more than one question or statement.  No more than one question may be asked, or statement made, on behalf of one organisation.  The overall time available for public questions or statements is 30 minutes.


If you are asking a question or making a statement at this meeting but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct those taking a recording to cease whilst you speak.


Two notices had been received of questions or statements from members of the public for this meeting. 


Neil Hind, Chairperson, Pinewoods Conservation Group


Ruth Gladstone (Principal Democratic Services Officer) read out the following question on behalf of Neil Hind:-  “Councillors are hopefully aware of the plans for Harrogate Spring Water to expand onto public woodland known as Rotary Wood as there is public concern around this.  As from 1st April, that land will transfer ownership from Harrogate Council to the new North Yorkshire Council.  Could the Committee confirm that it would not approve or support any proposal for the Council to sell or lease this public land for development.”


Ruth Gladstone read out the following response on behalf of officers from the Council’s Business and Environmental Services Directorate:- “Harrogate Spring Water has been investigating the possibility of expansion at the site for a number of years.  The company is a local business and employer, now part of Danone.  Expansion of the site would initially need to be considered in the same way as any development.  Therefore, if the company can obtain the appropriate statutory consents, including planning permission, then the Council will need to consider whether it wishes to allow use of the land and the terms for any transaction.”


Members made no comment regarding the above question and response so that Members who would be determining the planning application did not need to leave this meeting to avoid any suggestion of predetermining that application.


20mph Pannal Ash Safe Streets Zone


Dr Jenny Marks made the following statement on behalf of herself and Mrs Ruth Lily:-


“Thank you Chair and Councillors for giving us the opportunity to deliver our statement.  I am Jenny Marks and this is my neighbour on Pannal Ash Road, Ruth Lily.


We are applying to NYCC for the creation of a 20mph zone, with appropriate additional infrastructure, including safe crossings, around Harrogate Grammar School, Rossett High, Ashville College, Rossett Acre Primary, and Western Primary.


The County Council’s Revised 20mph Speed Limit and Zone Policy (Jan 2022) allows for the creation of 20mph zones particularly around schools, where they benefit both safety and a sense of place, to extend an existing 20mph limit, and where there is public support for the proposal.


We can demonstrate a need for a 20mph zone on the basis of all these points.


We are speaking from a position of significant collective concern for the safety of the 4,995 school children, and for all those who use the network of roads around the schools on a daily basis, including residents, and users of Rossett and Ashville Sports Centres, Busy Bees Nursery, and Rossett Nature Reserve.


We are speaking from a strong position of local knowledge and support, having spent the last 18 months consulting schools, local residents and other stakeholders in order to better understand their needs.


Our consultation has enabled us to formulate a plan for the area which takes into account all of those needs – a 20mph zone with supporting infrastructure.


This plan was well-received at the Harlow and Pannal Ash Residents Association AGM, at which we spoke last month.  We also have support from the five schools, from our local councillor, Cllr Schofield, from the Harrogate District Cycle Action Group and from more than 330 people who have signed our petition for a 'Pannal Ash Safe Streets Zone' .  We urge you to visit this petition and to read the many heartfelt comments, the pleas for safer streets.


Throughout the consultation process we have been struck by:


·       The overwhelming sense of concern for the safety of children and others using these roads;

·       People's alarm at the degradation of the area’s atmosphere and sense of place due to its increasing use as a cut-through by speeding traffic;

·       Worries that the situation will only get worse as many more houses are built on the West side of Harrogate.


We have heard time and again the wishes of parents and others to have a safe network of streets that makes all forms of active travel SAFE.


The lack of safe streets forces people into their cars.


In a world of climate crisis, this lack of provision for safe active travel seems irresponsible and outdated.


Many places across the UK now have school streets and 20mph zones as the norm, or indeed 20mph limits in all urban areas.  They have safe, dedicated cycle routes. We in North Yorkshire appear to be lagging far behind in this respect.


We believe that the council has a moral responsibility to take a holistic and modern approach to road safety in our area.


Last month, this Committee voted in favour of piloting 20mph zones in selected residential areas.  We have worked with schools, local groups and residents to develop a plan for just such a 20mph zone.  We have strong local support.  We ask that the Pannal Ash Safe Streets Zone be taken forward as the first area to be piloted.  Thank you.”


Ruth Gladstone (Principal Democratic Services Officer) read out the following response on behalf of Council Highways Officers:-  “We would like to thank Dr Jenny Marks and Mrs Ruth Lily for their thorough and detailed research and engagement with the Pannal Ash community in forming their application for the creation of a 20mph Zone.  We acknowledge receipt of the application which will be assessed in accordance with the revised policy”.  Dr Jenny Marks advised that the application had not been submitted yet.


County Councillor Mike Schofield (local Member) made a statement in support of the application.  Various other Members expressed support for the application, commended the work undertaken by Dr Jenny Marks and Mrs Ruth Lily, and highlighted that police enforcement of 20mph zones was needed.