Committee attendance

Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Karl Arthur 3
Councillor Eric Broadbent 1
Councillor Robert Heseltine 4
Councillor Carl Les OBE 1
Councillor David Chance 1
Councillor Bryn Griffiths 4
Councillor David Ireton 3
Councillor Mike Jordan 1
Councillor Heather Moorhouse 1
Councillor Yvonne Peacock 4
Councillor Tony Randerson 3
Councillor Richard Foster 4
Councillor Michelle Donohue-Moncrieff 4
Councillor Tim Grogan 3
Councillor Subash Sharma 3
Councillor Kevin Foster 4
Councillor Tom Jones 3
Councillor George Jabbour 3
Councillor Nick Brown 3
Councillor Phil Trumper 3
Councillor Neil Swannick 1
Councillor Chris Aldred 4
Councillor Malcolm Taylor 4