Issue - decisions

Review of the Council’s Property Procedure Rules

18/10/2021 - Review of the Council’s Property Procedure Rules

The Chief Executive Officer considered the report presented at the informal meeting of Executive Members held on 12 October 2021. Having taken account of the comments made by Executive Members, all relevant information provided at the meeting and the draft Minutes from the meeting, he agreed to recommend to full Council at its meeting on 19 November 2021:
i) Approval of the suggested amendments to the Property Procedure Rules as set out at Appendix 2 and the suggested consequential amendments to the Executive Members’ Delegation Scheme set out at Appendix 3;
ii) That authority be given to the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) to make any further consequential amendments required to the Constitution in light of the changes to the PPR.
iii) That a forward schedule of decisions, as set out under paragraph 1.11 of Appendix 2, be shared with the Executive Member with responsibility for Property, on a no less than quarterly basis to assist in matters of property planning;