Having taken account of the comments made by
Executive Members, and all the relevant information provided at the
informal meeting of Executive Members on 11 January 2022, the Chief
Executive Officer agreed to use his emergency delegated powers to
approve that the Council:
i. Applies a Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) of +2.0% in the
calculation of school budgets for the 2022/23 financial year.
ii. Uses age weighted pupil units (AWPU) as the methodology for the
allocation to school budgets of any surplus funding available
within the Schools Block DSG after the calculation of the school
funding formula using National Funding Formula (NFF) values.
iii. Includes an exceptional circumstance lump sum of £50,000
for very small sparse secondary schools (which would otherwise be
unable to attract sufficient funding to remain viable) in the
2022/23 North Yorkshire school funding formula. The estimated
£100k additional funding requirement to be funded from the
DSG Schools Block Reserve.
iv. Continues to push for a fairer and more equitable funding
settlement for schools in North Yorkshire, and continue to lobby
for a fairer settlement of High Needs resources.