Issue - decisions

Fees for in-house community care services for 2022/23

14/03/2022 - Fees for in-house community care services for 2022/23

Approval has been given for the new charging rates for 2022/23 as outlined in section 3 of the report. Tables 1 and 2 of the report to be effective from 11 April 2022.

Table 1
These charges are for in-house community care services plus meals, transport and laundry services.
Charges for services not subject to a financial assessment.

Service Rates Proposed % increase
21/22 22/23
Main £2.85 £2.95 3.5%
Sweet £1.05 £1.10 4.8%
Full Meal £3.90 £4.05 3.8%

Laundry £5.25 £5.45 3.8%

Transport charges are currently £7.50 per journey (with a cap of £40 per week). It is proposed that these figures are increased to £7.75 per journey (3.38% increase) with a cap of £41 per week (3.8% increase).

Table 2
Approval has also been given to the proposed charges for those services being directly provided by NYCC which are subject to a financial assessment. These can be found in table 2 of the report.