Issue - decisions

Adult Social Care Governance and Prioritisation

13/01/2022 - Adult Social Care Governance and Prioritisation

Having taken account of the comments made by Executive Members, and all the relevant information provided at the informal meeting of Executive Members on 11 January 2022, the Chief Executive Officer agreed to use his emergency delegated powers to:
(i) Approve, invoke and implement the proposed Adult Social Care Ethical Decision Making Framework.
(ii) Delegate to the Corporate Director for Health and Adult Services (as the Council’s statutory director of adult social services) the power to invoke and implement the measures as set out in this report including taking all decisions necessary to implement the Ethical Decision Making Framework and any other decisions the Corporate Director for Health and Adult Services may deem necessary regarding Adult Social Care Services delivery in light of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic. The Corporate Director for Health and Adult Services may where appropriate consult with the Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration, Chief Executive Officer, Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services).
(iii) Instruct the Corporate Director for Health and Adult Services to present a monthly report to the Executive Member and to Management Board on the appropriate decisions so they can be reviewed.
(iv) Approve that a review of the framework be undertaken in April 2022