Considered – A report of the Corporate Director of Community Development presenting the results of the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) referendum and the requirements of North Yorkshire Council as the Local Planning Authority to formally ‘make’ or adopt the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan. The report also presented the Regulation 19 Decision Statement at Appendix A, which set out the Local Planning Authorities’ decision in terms of making or adopting the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan and the reasons for making that decision.
Councillor Derek Bastiman introduced the report and drew attention to the findings of the independent examiner and the results of the referendum held in July 2023, as detailed in the report. He also noted the next steps required and the minimal timeframe available to make the Bradleys Both NDP, which had led to the proposal within the report that the Chief Executive, exercise his power, in an emergency, to make any decision which could be taken by the Council in order to ensure that the Bradleys Both NDP was made on or before the 22 September 2023, thereby complying with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).
Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive – Legal & Democratic Services confirmed that as there were likely to be a number of such decisions required in the future, work to revise the Constitution would be undertaken to ensure those future decisions could be taken by the Executive within a short timeframe, without the need for consideration by Full Council.
Resolved – That it be recommended to the Chief Executive that he exercise his power pursuant to paragraph 5.7 of Schedule 4 of the Constitution, in an emergency, to make any decision which could be taken by Council to:
i) make the Bradleys Both NDP on or before the 22 September 2023
ii) approve the Decision Statement set out at Appendix A to the report.