Issue - decisions

Report of

02/11/2023 - 22/00063/FUL - Full Planning Permission (including Change of Use) for 12 Holiday Lodges, Installation of Package Treatment Plant and Amended Access to Easby Park Field between Southern Junction at Easby Access Road and Easby



The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for 12 holiday lodges, installation of package treatment plant and amended access at Easby Park Field between Southern Junction of Easby Access Road and Easby.


John Clark spoke objecting to the application.


Graham Berry spoke on behalf of Easby Parish Meeting objecting to the application.


The applicant’s agent, Jeremy Lambe, spoke in support of the application.


During consideration of the above application, the Committee discussed the following issues:-

·       The form of occupation of the lodges, making it clear that the lodges should be for holiday let only and not permanent residential purposes.

·       Road safety and highways issues based on consultee responses, in particular the provision of the passing places.

·       The impact of the proposed package treatment plant on the water supply of nearby properties and the requirement for an Environmental Permit.


The decision:-


That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in section 12 of the report and additional conditions for foul drainage and ecological walkover, together with condition 12 to be updated to reflect best practice and ensure enforceability.


Voting Record


A vote was taken and the motion was declared carried with 5 for and 1 against.


Additional Conditions


Condition 13: Details of foul drainage to be agreed pre-commencement including an environmental permit, if required.


Condition 14: Prior to commencement of development an ecology walkover be carried out and if needed, mitigation be undertaken.


Condition 15: Delegated authority be given to officers to review best practice for holiday use conditions and update condition 12 accordingly.



Note: The meeting was adjourned at 12.10pm and reconvened at 1.30pm.


Note: Councillor Bryn Griffiths entered the meeting at 1.30pm.