Issue - decisions

Accelerating Reform Fund for Adult Social Care

15/01/2024 - Accelerating Reform Fund for Adult Social Care

Approval has been given to submit an Expression of Interest for the Accelerating Reform Fund for Adult Social Care.

This is for up to £42.6m nationally for local authorities working in partnership with other local authorities within an Integrated Care System. The funding will be over two years to support innovation in social care, growing and accelerating projects with a focus on supporting unpaid carers.

A consortium has been formed with Humber and North Yorkshire and other local authorities with North East Lincs as the lead authority. The organisations have worked together to look at the priorities outlined in the guidance and selected two projects. The first being the provision of shared lives and the second to support unpaid carers to have short breaks. If successful, the consortium will receive £300k. NE Lincs will project manage and administer the fund. Top up funding is intended to cover some programme costs. The amount of funding which North Yorkshire Council will receive is likely to be around £300k over two years. This is non recurrent funding.

Following recent changes to the Financial Procedure Rules, the Executive Member Finance has also been consulted on the funding submission.