Issue - decisions

2025/26 Dedicated Schools Grant – Funding Consultation Approval Request

05/07/2024 - 2025/26 Dedicated Schools Grant – Funding Consultation Approval Request

That the following consultations to be undertaken:

a. With mainstream schools and academies within North Yorkshire; subject to the receipt of the 2025/26 funding information from the DfE and based on previous years, the expected consultation content is:

• The level of the Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) for 2025/26
• The methodology to be used in the event of any surplus or shortfall in funding on the Schools Block DSG after the calculation of school funding formula allocations using the NFF values, as determined by the DfE.
• The calculation of the notional SEN budget, based on the latest analysis of the numbers of pupils with SEND in mainstream schools and academies.
• Any request by the local authority to transfer funding from the Schools Block DSG to the High Needs Block budget for the 2025/26 financial year

b. With special schools and academies within North Yorkshire; subject to the receipt of the 2025/26 funding information from the DfE and based on previous years, the expected consultation content is:

• The level of the Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) for 2025/26, in the event of the funding level increase not being prescribed by the DfE.

c. With early years providers within North Yorkshire; subject to the receipt of the 2025/26 funding information from the DfE and based on previous years, the expected consultation content is:

• The early years provider base funding rates for 3 and 4-year-olds (universal and extended entitlement), 2-year-olds (disadvantaged and working parents) and 9-month-olds of working parents for 2025/26
• The value of the early years Special Educational Needs Inclusion Fund (SENIF) for 2025/26

Any other funding consultation deemed to be required as a result of the implementation of the expansion of early years funded provision