Issue - decisions

Clinical Service Platform

15/05/2024 - Clinical Service Platform

The Director of Public Health has approved a 36-month Direct Contract Award (through G-Cloud 13, cloud hosting, software, and support Agreement ID: RM1557.13) to EMIS Health Care Ltd for the PharmOutcomes system. This decision has been taken in consultation with Corporate Director Health and Adult Services, Assistant Director Resources, Assistant Director Care and Support and Assistant Director Prevention and Service Development.

G-Cloud is a compliant route to market. A thorough evaluation and selection exercise has been undertaken within this framework to choose the supplier that best meets budget and specification requirements.

NYC Public Health currently contracts directly with providers to deliver services. Providers have accounts on the system that they use to report their monthly activity for the services they have signed up to deliver. Monthly claims are generated by PharmOutcomes, which comprise the invoices for the activity of all providers. The claims are automatically sent monthly from PharmOutcomes to NYC finance system.

NYC has a current agreement with the incumbent provider (EMIS Health Care Ltd) which is due to terminate on the 31/05/2024, this has been a long-standing rolling agreement, that has been in place since 2015.