Issue - decisions

Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023

15/05/2024 - Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023

That the Assistant Director (Housing) is authorised to formally self-refer North Yorkshire Council, as a registered provider of social housing, to the Regulator of Social Housing based upon the following areas of non-compliance identified through analysis of the Council’s social housing operations ;

Safety and Quality Standard – Stock Quality, Decency, Health and Safety, Repairs, Maintenance and Planned Improvements.

Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard – Diverse Needs, Engagement with Tenants, Information about Landlord Services, Performance Information, Complaints

Neighbourhood and Community Standard – Safety of Shared Spaces, Local Cooperation, Anti-social behaviour and hate incidents, Domestic Abuse

Tenancy Standard – Allocations and Lettings, Tenure, Mutual Exchange