Early Years: The Corporate Director –
Children and Young People’s Service, in conjunction with the
Executive Members for Children and Young People, agreed the
recommendation for the 2024/25 EYBG funding to be distributed to
early years providers using the same funding rate as the DfE has
used to distribute the Grant to the local authority, through the
payment of an additional 7p per hour based on the universal and
extended hours for three and four- year-olds claimed for the Autumn
2024 and Spring 2025 terms for all providers.
The Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s
Service, in conjunction with Executive Members for Children and
Young People, ihas agreed the recommendation for the
Teacher’s Pension Employers Contribution Grant (TPECG 24) and
the Core Schools Budget Grant (CSBG) funding to be distributed to
local authority maintained Special Schools and Alternative
Provision and Special and Alternative Provision Academies based on
the Department for Education (DfE) methodology used to distribute
the funding to local authorities for the 2024/25 financial