Issue - decisions

Scarborough Harbour Boat Lift - Acceptance of grant funding and allocation of match funding

06/09/2024 - Scarborough Harbour Boat Lift - Acceptance of grant funding and allocation of match funding

The Executive Member for Open to Business, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance, Corporate Director of Environment, the Corporate Director of Resources and the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services have agreed:

a) the acceptance, subject to acceptable terms and conditions being agreed, of a grant of £500k from the UK Seafood Fund, toward the provision of a boat lift at Scarborough Harbour and note the risks involved in accepting the grant and placing an order for the Boat Lift;

b) the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Resources, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and the Executive Member for Open to Business to accept a grant from the Mayoral Combined Authority of £700k towards the infrastructure associated with the boat lift, if offered;

c) the approval of capital match funding of £550k from North Yorkshire Council for the boat lift project and note the annual income forecast to be generated by the Boat Lift;

d) the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director of Environment to enter into such contracts as are necessary with a hoist supplier and marine engineering consultants and contractors to facilitate the full delivery of the project.