Issue - decisions

Collaboration Agreement - Shared Waste Arrangements with City of York Council

27/03/2021 - Collaboration Agreement - Shared Waste Arrangements with City of York Council

County Councillor Andrew Lee introduced the report seeking approval to update the Joint Waste Management Agreement with City of York Council.  He provided an overview of the background to the current agreement and confirmed the collaboration with York brought together the long-term management for waste with AWRP, AmeyCespa and Yorwaste.


It was noted that every year the County Council charged York for the services it provided, and that the charge going forward would be increasing to an annual fee of £200k.


All members voted in favour of the recommendations in the report, and it was


Resolved – That:


i)     The County Council enter into the ‘Collaboration Agreement. Relating to: Shared Waste Arrangements’ with City of York Council.


ii)    The Corporate Director for Business and Environmental Services in consultation with Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services), be delegated to take such steps as are necessary to complete the agreement.