Issue - decisions

*re-published: call-in no longer applies* Supporting young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities to live and learn in their own communities

14/04/2021 - *re-published: call-in no longer applies* Supporting young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities to live and learn in their own communities

To approve a call for evidence from key stakeholders through focus groups with young people and families, online and paper questionnaires and webinars over a four week period to help:

• Identify effective practice across education, care and health in supporting children and young people with SEND, and their families, at the earliest stage so they can live and go to school in their community
• Consider a greater range of support options that enable more children and young people to reside at home whilst accessing education to meet their SEND
• Understand from families what works well and what could be improved
• Develop a sound evidence base for future proposals with regards to SEND provision