Issue - decisions

*Re-Published - no longer subject to call in* Fee Levels for HAS contracted services 2016- 17

10/05/2021 - *Re-Published - no longer subject to call in* Fee Levels for HAS contracted services 2016- 17

Fee levels were agreed for 2016 -17 as follows:

1. The fee levels for care homes for older people will be:
Residential £499.73
Nursing £490.28

2. A 1% inflationary uplift will be paid to those providers of residential or nursing care for older people whose current fee rates are above the proposed new rates

3. An inflationary uplift of 3% will be paid to specialist care homes

4. An hourly increase will be paid to domiciliary care providers of 60p an hour

5. A 3.3% fee uplift will be paid for other non-regulated contracts

6. For out of county placements we will honour an uplift agreed by the host
authority where they have undertaken an Actual Cost of Care exercise, and will
consider individual business cases where there is no Actual Cost of Care exercise in

7. Letter to the Independent Care Group to follow up on issues raised