Issue - decisions

*Re-Published - no longer subject to call in* Introduction of Temporary Clearway under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Requlation Act 1984 relatinq to Habton Road. Kirby Misperton

10/05/2021 - *Re-Published - no longer subject to call in* Introduction of Temporary Clearway under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Requlation Act 1984 relatinq to Habton Road. Kirby Misperton

Therefore, I David Bowe, Corporate Director — Business and Environmental Services, formally request that the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) introduce a temporary clearway for a period of six months on both sides of Habton Road, Kirby Misperton from a point 48 metres north east of the track opposite Kirby-o-Carr Farm towards Kirby Misperton village, to a point 48 metres south west of the track opposite Kirby-o-Carr Farm towards Great Habton village under Section 14(I)(b) and Section 14(2)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, because of the likelihood of danger to the public, which will have the effect of preventing vehicles from stopping or remaining at rest at any time on any part of the road (including both the carriageway and verge), with exemptions for vehicles servicing premises situated on or adjacent to that area of road, vehicles being used by statutory undertakers, local authorities in pursuance of statutory powers or duties, postal services and for fire brigade, ambulance and police purposes.