The Chief Executive Officer considered the
report presented at the informal meeting of Executive Members held
on 21 September 2021. Having taken account of the comments made by
Executive Members and all relevant information provided at the
meeting, he:
i)Approved in principle the redevelopment of Bewerley Park in two
phases, with a new accommodation block in phase 1 funded by a
policy investment and the central hub and further accommodation in
phase 2 linked to recommendation v.
ii)Approved in principle improvements at East Barnby to ensure
facilities are of a standard which can maintain existing customers
and grow the customer base.
iii)Approved an investment of up to £400,000 for the Outdoor
Learning Service alongside the Property Service, Procurement and
the North Yorkshire consultancy ‘Align Property
Partners’, to move to full business case to include:
•draw up detailed designs for capital work at both sites
•investigate and apply for any required planning
•undertake any surveys necessary in securing planning
•go to the market for tenders for the proposed building
iv)Offered the Outdoor Learning Service the opportunity to prove it
can operate as an efficient service with a commercial ethos by
undertaking the following:
•Implement a new Outdoor Learning Strategy which includes
marketing and business development
•Recruitment to key posts in the service leadership team
•Evidence of an increase in engagement with customers and
external organisations, where permitted.
•Evidence of investigating commercial opportunities
•Evidence of seeking out other funding streams
v)Invited the service to return with a full business case, to agree
the implementation of phase 1.
This decision was taken in consultation with Executive