Register of interests

Councillor Dan Sladden

From 1 November 2021 councillors' gifts and hospitality have been recorded with their Register of Interests. For details of councillors’ gifts and hospitality prior to that date, please contact Democratic Services.

I, Councillor Dan Sladden give notice that I have the following disclosable pecuniary interests as described in the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of which I am aware and which are my interests and those of my spouse/civil partner/partner with whom i am living as spouse or civil partner ("relevant persons").

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Councillor's Interests Councillor's spouse/partner's interest(s)
Company Director Chorality Ltd, 27 Front St, Sowerby, Thirsk YO7 1JQ Company Director Chorality Ltd, 27 Front St, Sowerby, Thirsk YO7 1JQ
Deputy Lay Clerk Ripon Cathedral, Liberty Court House, Minster Road, Ripon HG4 1QS Lay Clerk Ripon Cathedral, Liberty Court House, Minster Road, Ripon HG4 1QS
Deputy Vicar Choral The Chapter of York, 8 Minster Road, York Freelance professional musician
Clerk in Holy Orders, Church of England -
Freelance professional musician -
2. Do you receive payments to carry out your duties other than from the Council or towards election expenses ?
Name of Person or Body making Payments
Thirsk and Malton Liberal Democrats
3. Do you have any contracts with North Yorkshire Council?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)
None None
4. Do you have any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of North Yorkshire?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/ partner's Interest(s)
Part ownership of: 27 and 29 Front Street 1,2,4 and 5 The Old House Mews and adjoining land all at Sowerby, Thirsk YO7 1JQ Part ownership of: 27 and 29 Front Street 1,2,4 and 5 The Old House Mews and adjoining land all at Sowerby, Thirsk YO7 1JQ
5. Do you have any Licences to occupy land?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)
Mooring on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal at Snaygill Boats Ltd, Bradley, Skipton BD20 9HA None
Hangarage at Bagby Airfield -
6. Do you have any Corporate/Business tenancies?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's interest(s)
None None
7. Do you have any interests in companies and securities?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)
50% ownership of ordinary shares of Chorality Ltd, company number 07837627, registered address 27 Front St, Sowerby, Thirsk YO7 1JQ 50% ownership of ordinary shares of Chorality Ltd, company number 07837627, registered address 27 Front St, Sowerby, Thirsk YO7 1JQ

Other registrable interests (other than disclosable pecuniary interests)

8. Do you hold any unpaid directorships?
Name of body Details
None -
9. Bodies to which you are nominated by North Yorkshire Council
Name of body Details
Thirsk and Sowerby Swimming Baths Charity Management Committee -
10. Public bodies
Name of body Details
None -
11. Charitable bodies
Name of body Details
None -
12. Political parties/Trade Union/Professional Association membership
Name of body Details
Liberal Democrats Member
13. Declaration of Gifts and Hospitality
Gift/ Hospitality Received From/ Date