Register of interests

Councillor George Jabbour

From 1 November 2021 councillors' gifts and hospitality have been recorded with their Register of Interests. For details of councillors’ gifts and hospitality prior to that date, please contact Democratic Services.

I, Councillor George Jabbour give notice that I have the following disclosable pecuniary interests as described in the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of which I am aware and which are my interests and those of my spouse/civil partner/partner with whom i am living as spouse or civil partner ("relevant persons").

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Councillor's Interests Councillor's spouse/partner's interest(s)
Director of Ethos Capital Ltd (Company Number: 07702556). I also hold 100% of the shares in the company -
North Yorkshire Councillor -
Member of the North York Moors National Park Authority -
2. Do you receive payments to carry out your duties other than from the Council or towards election expenses ?
Name of Person or Body making Payments
3. Do you have any contracts with North Yorkshire Council?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)
4. Do you have any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of North Yorkshire?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/ partner's Interest(s)
I live at 33 Bells Court, Helmsley, North Yorkshire YO62 5BA, which I rent -
5. Do you have any Licences to occupy land?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)
6. Do you have any Corporate/Business tenancies?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's interest(s)
7. Do you have any interests in companies and securities?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)

Other registrable interests (other than disclosable pecuniary interests)

8. Do you hold any unpaid directorships?
Name of body Details
9. Bodies to which you are nominated by North Yorkshire Council
Name of body Details
North Yorkshire Pension Fund A member of the committee
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership A member of the Joint Committee
Howardian Hills National Landscape A member of the Joint Advisory Committee
North York Moors National Park Authority A member of the Local Access Forum
North York Moors National Park Authority A member of the National Park Authority
Vale of Pickering Internal Drainage Board A board member
10. Public bodies
Name of body Details
11. Charitable bodies
Name of body Details
12. Political parties/Trade Union/Professional Association membership
Name of body Details
Conservative and Unionist Party A member of Conservative groups, including the Conservative Councillors' Association
I have been campaigning on issues involving the way public-sector organisations, pension funds and other institutions manage their finances -
North and East Yorkshire Conservative Area Council Chair of the Area Management Executive
Conservative and Unionist Party Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Chair
13. Declaration of Gifts and Hospitality
Gift/ Hospitality Received From/ Date
The Local Government Association's Next Generation and Audit Committees Leadership Essentials programmes: learning, accommodation and meals Received from the Local Government Association between November 2022 and March 2023
I was invited to a number of events and functions where I made a voluntary donation of a value that is greater than the value of the hospitality received, or declined the invitation but purchased a ticket or paid for the meal Helmsley Walled Gardens (July/August 2022), Tour of Britain Helmsley VIP Reception (September 2022), Helmsley Ladies Luncheon Club (April 2023), Helmsley Farmyard Party (June 2023)
I was invited to attend a dinner at the Bank of England to discuss pension reforms with the Governor and other leaders from the UK pension and investment industry. I made a donation of an appropriate amount to a Bank of England charity Received from the Bank of England in July 2023
Before and after my elections as Vice Chair and then Chair of the Joint Committee of the Border to Coast Pensions Partnership, I attended events and functions that they organised, including conferences, dinners and other meals My appointment to Border to Coast started in May 2023