Forthcoming Decisions

Forthcoming Decisions
Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Grant application for recoverable grant from the Brownfield, Infrastructure and Land Fund (BIL).14/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
North Yorkshire Local Development Scheme14/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Parking Tariff Increase for April 202514/02/2025For Determination28/03/2025
Procurement of a Microsoft Licensing Solutions Partner14/02/2025For Determination17/03/2025
External Venues 2025 - 202714/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Housing Revenue Account Policy Framework14/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Caravan Site Licensing Fees (Relevant Protected Sites) and the Fit and Proper Person Test Fees14/02/2025For Determination28/03/2025
Bus Service Improvement Plan 4 Grant Acceptance and Delivery14/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Housing Improvement Plan13/02/2025For Determination15/04/2025
Local Management of Schools (LMS) Procurement And Contract Procedure Rules13/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Repairs Standard13/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
To approve the receipt of direct award Section 31 grants to support improvements in the quality and capacity of drug and alcohol treatment and recovery from 2025-26.28/01/2025For Determination26/02/2025
Annual Overview and Scrutiny Report 2024/25 - A review of the work of overview and scrutiny committees in 2024/25 and looking ahead to the work that will be undertaken in 2025/2610/02/2025For Determination21/05/2025
Submission of a Lane Rental Application to the Secretary of State10/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Proposed redeployment of the Old Grammar School, Richmond07/02/2025For Determination15/04/2025
North Yorkshire Council Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order06/02/2025For Determination10/04/2025
Community Infrastructure Levy Spending & Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/2406/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
To consider North Yorkshire Council's Revenue Budget 2025/26 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)23/02/2024For Determination14/02/2025
High Needs Budget 2025/2604/02/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Procurement of Scaffolding and Access Equipment Hire for Housing properties31/01/2025For Determination04/03/2025
Procurement of Roof Repair Works for Housing properties31/01/2025For Determination04/03/2025
Procurement of Reactive Rendering & Plastering Works for Housing properties31/01/2025For Determination04/03/2025
Procurement of Electrical Works for Housing properties31/01/2025For Determination04/03/2025
Procurement of Damp, Mould and Timber Surveys, Works and Auditing Services for Housing properties31/01/2025For Determination04/03/2025
Submission of consultation responses to the DfT in relation to future Lane Rental approvals30/01/2025UrgentFor Determination18/02/2025
Consideration of Objections to 20mph Speed Limits Harrogate30/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Registration Service Fees and Charges 2025-202830/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Bereavement Service Fees and Charges 2025-202630/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form – Proposal to remove Sixth Form Provision30/01/2025For Determination18/03/2025
2025/2026 Payment Rates for NYC Foster Carers28/01/2025For Determination04/03/2025
Substance Use Services Operating Model from April 202624/01/2025For Determination12/03/2025
Review of Highways and Infrastructure Fees and Charges24/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Proposal to close Hackforth and Hornby, Church of England, VC Primary School, Hackforth – School Closure Proposal30/01/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Acceptance of External Grant Funding – £425,000 National Lottery Reaching Communities23/01/2025For DeterminationNot before 24/02/2025
Highway Condition Data Collection Contracts 2025-202722/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Highways Capital Programme 2025-202622/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Local Authority Response to the Proposed Closure of Kirkby Fleetham Primary School.22/01/2025For Determination25/02/2025
Inflation Tariff Increase for Parking22/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Procurement of Fence and Gate Repair Works for Housing properties17/01/2025For Determination18/02/2025
Procurement of Drainage Services and Works for Housing properties17/01/2025For Determination18/02/2025
Section 75 Partnership between North Yorkshire Council and York and Scarborough NHS Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust17/01/2025For Determination12/03/2025
Proposed Redeployment of the former Lower Graham site16/01/2025For Determination18/02/2025
Acquisition of new build properties in Scarborough and Norton for use as affordable rented accommodation to take into the Housing Revenue Account16/01/2025For Determination18/03/2025
Highway Development Design Guidance Chapter Revisions: Highway 278 and 38 Agreements and Highway Structures16/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
North Yorkshire Council Tenancy Policy14/10/2024For Determination09/04/2025
Proposed Increase in the Academy Conversion Fee07/01/2025For Determination04/03/2025
Proposal for Harrogate and Rural Alliance Partnership Agreements 2025/202609/01/2025For Determination12/03/2025
Fees and Charges - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing09/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Fees and Charges - General Licences09/01/2025For Determination28/02/2025
Consideration of the Final Recommendations of the Kirby Grindalythe and Duggleby Community Governance Review09/01/2025For Determination16/07/2025
The future of the Selby Local Plan02/01/2025For Determination26/02/2025
Community Infection Prevention and Control Service02/01/2025For Determination09/05/2025
Council Pay Policy02/01/2025For Determination26/02/2025
Housing Delivery02/01/2025For Determination15/04/2025
Management Options for Scarborough Museum & Galleries20/12/2024For Determination18/03/2025
Second Homes Council Tax Housing Fund Framework19/12/2024For Determination18/03/2025
Replacement Doors and Windows12/12/2024For Determination07/02/2025
Review of Household Recycling and Waste Collection Guidance09/12/2024For Determination18/03/2025
Joint Place Committee with Humber and North Yorkshire NHS Integrated Care Board09/12/2024For Determination18/03/2025
Adoption of a new Statement of Licensing Policy, Licensing Act 200306/12/2024For Determination21/05/2025
Adoption of a new Statement of Licensing Authority Policy, Gambling Act 200506/12/2024For Determination21/05/2025
Speed Management Strategy06/12/2024For Determination28/03/2025
Children’s residential increasing capacity proposals with funding application06/12/2024For Determination25/02/2025
Contract for Air Source Heat Pumps: Servicing and Responsive Maintenance09/08/2024For Determination03/03/2025
Contract for Pool Plant: Servicing and Responsive Maintenance21/10/2024For Determination03/03/2025
Q4 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report22/11/2024For Determination27/05/2025
Revenue Budget 2026/2027 and Medium Term Financial Strategy - To make recommendation to Full Council22/11/2024For Determination20/01/2026
Q1 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report22/11/2024For Determination19/08/2025
Q2 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report22/11/2024For Determination18/11/2025
To consider North Yorkshire Council's Revenue Budget 2026/2027 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)22/11/2024For Determination13/02/2026
Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report22/11/2024For Determination17/02/2026
Local Transport Plan Approval15/11/2024For Determination12/11/2025
Scarborough Harbour Boat Lift11/11/2024For Determination18/03/2025
Harbours Infrastructure Projects01/11/2024For Determination18/03/2025
Independent Living Skills Housing Support Contract Extension25/10/2024For Determination11/04/2025
Extension of the Resettlement and Community Safety (RACCS) contract25/10/2024For Determination11/04/2025
Parking Principles22/10/2024For Determination06/05/2025
Community Mental Health Services Contract18/10/2024For Determination11/04/2025
North Yorkshire Council Tenant Involvement Strategy14/10/2024For Determination09/04/2025
Fees for in-house community care services 2025/2603/10/2024For Determination12/03/2025
Fees payable for external providers of social care provision03/10/2024For Determination12/03/2025
Admission Arrangements 2026/202703/10/2024For Determination26/02/2025
Amendments to the Council’s Constitution23/08/2024For Determination26/02/2025
To procure and support an enterprise data architecture solution for the council18/09/2024For Determination18/03/2025
Review of Future Household Waste Collection Options18/09/2024For Determination26/02/2025
Scarborough Harbour West Pier Delivery02/08/2024For Determination06/05/2025
Council Plan 2025-202911/07/2024For Determination14/02/2025
North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery (LNRS) Strategy) - Publication30/04/2024For Determination16/09/2025
North Yorkshire and York Local Nature Recovery (LNRS) Strategy - Consultation Draft30/04/2024For Determination28/03/2025
North Yorkshire Autism Strategy16/04/2024For Determination18/03/2025
Double Devolution – Pilot Business Case sign-off05/04/2024For Determination15/04/2025
Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report23/02/2024For Determination18/02/2025
Whitby Harbourside Public Realm14/02/2024For Determination28/02/2025
Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders for Selby Town Centre19/01/2024For Determination28/02/2025
Redeployment of land to the north and south of Crosshills Lane, Selby09/02/2021For Determination18/03/2025