
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

The records of decisions by Executive Members and Corporate Directors for the period January 2020 to February 2021 are available to view via the Library Archive.

Decisions recommendations approved (subject to call-in)
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Schemes to be added to the Highways Capital Forward Programme ref: 534312/09/202424/09/20240
Housing Compliance Contracts ref: 533612/09/202421/09/20240
LB304-2024-Walker ref: 533511/09/202420/09/20240
LB303-2024-Sanderson ref: 533411/09/202420/09/20240
LB302-2024-Paraskos ref: 533311/09/202420/09/20240
LB301-2024-Murday ref: 533211/09/202420/09/20240
LB300-2024-Mann ref: 533111/09/202420/09/20240
LB299-2024-Jordan ref: 533011/09/202420/09/20240
LB298-2024-Goodrick ref: 532910/09/202420/09/20240
LB297-2024-Gibbs ref: 532811/09/202420/09/20240
LB296-2024-Brown-A ref: 532711/09/202420/09/20240
LB294-3035-Baker ref: 532506/09/202420/09/20240
LB295-2024-Baker ref: 532611/09/202420/09/20240
Tenancy Strategy, Tenancy Policy and Consultation Plan ref: 532411/09/202420/09/20240
Corporate Mobile Phones ref: 532311/09/202420/09/20240
Contract for Hard Facilities Management Fire and Intruder Alarms: Servicing and Responsive Maintenance ref: 532110/09/202419/09/20240
LB293-2024 Webster / Bedale ref: 531704/09/202414/09/20240
LB292-2024 Randerson / Eastfield ref: 531602/09/202414/09/20240
LB291-2024 Proud / Selby East ref: 531502/09/202414/09/20240
LB290-2024 Mason / Amotherby and Ampleforth ref: 531404/09/202414/09/20240
LB289-2024 Mason / Amotherby and Ampleforth ref: 531304/09/202414/09/20240
LB288-2024 Gibbs / Valley Gardens and Central Harrogate ref: 531202/09/202414/09/20240
LB287-2024 Dickinson / Northallerton South ref: 531104/09/202414/09/20240
LB286-2024 Cattanach / Cawood and Escrick ref: 531002/09/202414/09/20240
Budget Approval for 4404 Planning System & Business Process Convergence Project (including the budget to allow the procurement of Planning and Building Control system) ref: 530905/09/202414/09/20240
Tin Footbridge, Skipton - Span 2 Replacement - Future Award of Contract ref: 530503/09/202414/09/20240