Issue details

Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy: use of additional MOD properties –for Afghan ARAP families in Afghanistan and third countries

To consider an urgent request from the Home Office for North Yorkshire Council to use additional Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) Service Family Accommodation (SFA) for ARAP eligible individuals
and their family members currently residing abroad.

To seek approval to use additional MoD SFA properties in North Yorkshire to
accommodate ARAP individuals and their family members currently residing abroad.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affect on communities;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/09/2023

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
Afghan ARAP/ACRS households are at humanitarian risk in Afghanistan and third countries. Eligible households need to be case matched imminently by the Home Office. Now that the bridging hotel accommodation has closed, arrangements cannot be made for eligible families to come to the UK unless they have been given the offer of housing in the UK. MOD SFA properties offer an immediate solution to allow this to happen for some Afghan ARAP households.

Decision due: 26 Sep 2023 by Executive Member for Corporate Services

Lead member: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Lead director: Chief Executive Officer

Contact: Jonathan Spencer, Principal Scrutiny Officer Email: Email:

Consultation process

Executive Member for Corporate Services

Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy: use of additional MOD properties: Report to Executive, 14 February 2023

Report to Executive Member for Corporate Services, 18 July 2023: Afghan Relocations
and Assistance Policy: use of additional MOD properties – change of eligibility from
Afghan ARAP families in Afghanistan and third countries to Afghan ARAP families in bridging hotel accommodation in the UK


North Yorkshire Council’s schools admissions service has been consulted to establish school place pressures in the areas where the MOD properties have been offered.



  • Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy: use of additional MOD properties –for Afghan ARAP families in Afghanistan and third countries  

Background papers