The purpose of the report is to consider
responses to the consultation on the proposed criteria and fee for
entry onto the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding register and
adopt the measures set out in the report.
The report also seeks delegated authority to the Executive Member
for Open for Business to consider and approve any future amendments
to the current restrictions and/or fees.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affect on communities;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/11/2023
Decision due: 23 Jan 2024 by Executive
Lead member: Executive Member for Open to Business
Lead director: Corporate Director of Community Development
Contact: Steve Wilson, Planning Policy and Conservation Manager Email: Email:
Consultation process
As above. Consultation has already taken place
prior to this report being brought before Executive.
Consultation has already taken place on the
proposed restrictions to limit access to the register for
self-build to residents or those with a connection to North
Yorkshire and the proposed fee.
All existing persons or groups on the former district’s
registers were consulted as were all town and parish councils
across North Yorkshire.