Issue details

Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan – Decision Statement and referendum

This is a statutory stage in the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan post Examination
Report is to set out a recommendation to agree the appended Decision statement (a statement which sets out the Council’s position on the Neighbourhood Plan) and agree that a referendum will be held.
Both the LPA and the Qualifying body agree with all of the Examiner’s recommendations and are in the process of modifying the plan to make it is capable to meet the basic conditions tests.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affect on communities;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/04/2024

Decision due: 16 Jul 2024 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Open to Business

Lead director: Corporate Director of Community Development

Contact: Rachael Balmer Email:

Consultation process

The Plan has already been subject to consultation and examination as part of its production.


Internal consultation will take place in conjunction with the report’s production, also submission to Thirsk

Agenda items


  • Malton and Norton Neighbourhood Plan – Decision Statement and referendum