Issue details

Care Market Representative Contract

Approval is required to hold an open procurement for a care market representative.

The purpose of this organisation is to support the care market in North Yorkshire ensuring that care providers are involved and informed across a whole range of quality, safety, finance, and business operating aspects. The organisation is required to engage and contribute to, local, operational and system wide discussions. The organisation is consulted on matters affecting the care market in North Yorkshire and represents the care market in negotiations around the annual inflationary uplift award.

A service agreement is in place ceasing on 30th September 2024. The new Care Market Representative contract will commence from the 1st October 2024.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affect on communities;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/04/2024

Decision due: 28 Jun 2024 by Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Lead member: Executive Member for Health & Adult Services

Lead director: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Contact: Steven Crutchley, Service Development Manager Email: / Tel No: 01609 532518

Consultation process

It is anticipated that several engagement events will be held both in-person and virtually to gain the views of people.


It is proposed that several partners/interested parties will be contacted to discuss the proposals and to be involved in developing the proposals moving forward.

These include:
The Market Development Board, which includes representatives from the voluntary sector, independent sector and health.

Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Care providers in North Yorkshire.

The current Care Market Representative Organisation.



  • Care Market Representative Contract