Issue details

Commissioning of Local Plan supporting evidence - Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment

Following the completion of a competitive procurement exercise, to award a contract for undertaking a Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment, which will support the production of the North Yorkshire Local Plan.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Not to be progressed

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/05/2024

Decision due: 25 Jun 2024 by Assistant Director - Planning

Lead member: Executive Member for Open to Business

Lead director: Corporate Director of Community Development

Contact: Steve Wilson, Planning Policy and Conservation Manager Email: Email: Email:

Consultation process

The commission itself will include member engagement / consultation sessions. Similarly, members will be engaged through the production of the Local Plan, which will ultimately be subject to its own decision-making process.


Assistant Director of Resources for Community Development
Assistant Director of Planning
Undertaking the Local Plan itself was subject to an earlier (separate) decision and associated consultation processes.


  • Commissioning of Local Plan supporting evidence - Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment