Issue details

Community Governance Review Kirby Grindalythe and Duggleby Parish Council

The review will consider the electoral arrangements of Kirby Grindalythe and Duggleby Parish Council including options of abolishing the Parish Council, retaining a single Parish Council, grouping it with a neighbouring Parish Council or dissolving the Parish Council and replacing it with a Parish Meeting.
That the Terms of Reference for the Review and proposed consultation programme be approved.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affect on communities;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/08/2024

Decision due: 13 Nov 2024 by Full Council

Lead member: Executive Member for Corporate Services

Lead director: Assistant Chief Executive - Legal and Democratic Services

Contact: Jennifer Norton, AD - Legal Email: Email:

Consultation process



The Council will take full account of the views made by, and suggestions of, local people and organisations and will comply with the statutory consultation requirements by:
• consulting local government electors and other persons or bodies who appear to the Council to have an interest in the review;
• taking into account any representations received in connection with the review;
• notifying consultees of the outcome of the review; and,
• publishing all decisions taken and the reasons for such decisions.


  • Community Governance Review Kirby Grindalythe and Duggleby Parish Council