Issue details

Formal closure of Brimham's Active as a company

The Executive approved in January 2024 that all of the Council’s leisure services would transfer to a single in house model. Brimham’s Active is a wholly owned company of the Council and requires an Executive decision in order to formally close down the company.

Please note this is a technical decision relating to the closure of the company – the operation of the facilities and services formerly operated by Brimham’s Active will continue as part of the in house Active North Yorkshire service.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affect on communities;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/09/2024

Decision due: 5 Nov 2024 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Culture, Arts & Housing

Lead director: Corporate Director of Community Development

Contact: Jo Ireland, AD Culture, Arts & Leisure Email:

Consultation process

Via this committee


Executive Members – the decision to bring services back in house has already been made. This is required as part of the formal process of closing down the company to facilitate this.


  • Formal closure of Brimham's Active as a company