Issue details

Fees payable for external providers of social care provision

To approve fees and annual uplift level for 2025/2026

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure >£500,000 & Affects from than one division;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/10/2024

Decision due: 14 Feb 2025 by Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Lead member: Executive Member for Health & Adult Services

Lead director: Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services

Contact: Abigail Barron, AD Prevention & Service Development Email: / Email: Tel: 01609 532141 & 01609 535371 Email:, Anton Hodge, AD Finance (HAS) Email:

Consultation process

Direct negotiations via meetings and correspondence


Independent Care Group


  • Fees payable for external providers of social care provision