Announced in October 2023 based on the
recommendations from the Khan Review, ‘Stopping the Start:
our new place to create a smokefree generation’ was published
outlining the Government’s efforts to achieve a national
smoking prevalence of 5%. To support these efforts, further funding
for stop smoking services was announced as part of this paper to
achieve this Smokefree 2030 target.
£70 million has been identified for these services over the
next 5 years, starting in 2024-25. Funding per Local Authority area
has been calculated based on local smoking prevalence. North
Yorkshire’s funding for 2024-25 was identified as
£632k. A key decision was made in March 2024 to enable the
Local Authority to accept this grant funding for 2024/25 (Decision
- Stopping the Start: our new plan to create a Smokefree Generation
| North Yorkshire Council)
This new Key Decision seeks approval to accept the recurring
funding (defined as a grant which has been applied for previously
with no substantial change to delivery of the grant) of £643k
for 2025/26, in line with the Constitution.
This Decision will be taken in consultation with the Executive
Member for Health and Adult Services and the Executive Member for
Finance and Resources.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure >£500,000 & Affects from than one division;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/02/2025
Decision due: 28 Mar 2025 by Assistant Director - Resources (HAS)
Lead member: Executive Member for Health & Adult Services
Lead director: Assistant Director - Resources (HAS)
Contact: Natalie Smith, Head of Service HAS Planning, Public Health Team Tel No: 01609 533592 / Email:
Consultation process