Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 24th May, 2023 1.00 pm, North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board

Venue:   Remote meeting to be held via Microsoft Teams

Contact:    Patrick Duffy, Principal Democratic Services Scrutiny Officer. Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Michael Harrison Chair Present, as expected, virtual
Councillor Simon Myers Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Councillor Janet Sanderson Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Amanda Bloor Vice-Chair Apologies
Wendy Balmain Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Zoe Campbell Committee Member Apologies
Jonathan Coulter Co-Optee Present, as expected, virtual
Stuart Carlton Committee Member Absent
Richard Flinton Committee Member Apologies
Ashley Green Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Ali Jan Haider Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Nic Harne Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Shaun Jones Committee Member Absent
Mike Padgham Co-Optee Apologies, sent representative
Jillian Quinn Committee Member Absent
Dr Sally Tyrer Co-Optee Present, as expected, virtual
Louise Wallace Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Richard Webb Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
Lisa Winward, QPM Committee Member Present, as expected, virtual
John Pattinson Substitute Present as substitute, virtual
Patrick Duffy Clerk In attendance