Register of interests

Councillor Andy Brown

From 1 November 2021 councillors' gifts and hospitality have been recorded with their Register of Interests. For details of councillors’ gifts and hospitality prior to that date, please contact Democratic Services.

I, Councillor Andy Brown give notice that I have the following disclosable pecuniary interests as described in the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 of which I am aware and which are my interests and those of my spouse/civil partner/partner with whom i am living as spouse or civil partner ("relevant persons").

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Councillor's Interests Councillor's spouse/partner's interest(s)
Part-time journalism for the Yorkshire Post Country Section and an unpaid weekly column in the main paper None
2. Do you receive payments to carry out your duties other than from the Council or towards election expenses ?
Name of Person or Body making Payments
3. Do you have any contracts with North Yorkshire Council?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)
None None
4. Do you have any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of North Yorkshire?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/ partner's Interest(s)
Sunny Bank, Main Street, Cononley, Nr Keighley, BD20 8LL None
5. Do you have any Licences to occupy land?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)
None None
6. Do you have any Corporate/Business tenancies?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's interest(s)
None -
7. Do you have any interests in companies and securities?
Councillor's Interest(s) Councillor's spouse/partner's Interest(s)
I currently own shares in a number of companies. I am not aware of any of them having contracts with NYCC None
The current list of shares has a total value of £150,000 at the time of signing this form and the shares that might create potential conflicts of interest are: Vistry Group Filtronic PLC Genuit Group Smith and Nephew Pensana Whitbread Smurfit Kappa Direct Line Group Abingdon Health Doc Martins PLC Oatly Group Gear 4 Music Greencoat UK Wind Surgical Innovations group -

Other registrable interests (other than disclosable pecuniary interests)

8. Do you hold any unpaid directorships?
Name of body Details
None -
9. Bodies to which you are nominated by North Yorkshire Council
Name of body Details
Airedale Drainage Board -
Bradford and District Care NHS Foundation Trust -
10. Public bodies
Name of body Details
None -
11. Charitable bodies
Name of body Details
Friends of the Dales Member
Woodland Trust Member
British Beekeepers Association Member
Soil Association Member
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Member
Campaign for the Protection of Rural England -
12. Political parties/Trade Union/Professional Association membership
Name of body Details
Green Party Member
13. Declaration of Gifts and Hospitality
Gift/ Hospitality Received From/ Date