
Skipton and Ripon Area Committee - Thursday, 12 December 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Belle Vue Suite, 1 Belle Vue Square, Broughton Road, Skipton, BD23 1FJ

Contact: David Smith, Democratic Services Officer E: Email: T: 07542 029870 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 November 2024 pdf icon PDF 214 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2024 as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests they have in items appearing on this agenda, including the nature of those interests.


Public Participation

Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice (including the text of the question/statement) to David Smith of Democratic and Scrutiny Services and supplied the text (contact details below) by midday on Monday, 9 December 2024, three working days before the day of the meeting.  Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item.  Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak

·          at this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes);

·          when the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting.

If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.


Exclusion of the Public

Members are recommended to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of each of the items of business listed in Column 1 of the following table on the grounds that they each involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph(s) specified in column 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information)(Variation) Order 2006.



Item number on the agenda


Paragraph Number

Item 12

Paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).



Airedale Hospital Rebuild pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To update Members on the Airedale Hospital Rebuild.

Additional documents:


Kex Gill Update pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To provide Members with an update on the development at Kex Gill.


Community Safety & CCTV Update pdf icon PDF 257 KB

To provide an update on Community Safety & CCTV across North Yorkshire including a focus on Community Safety Hubs, CCTV and the wider strategic Community Safety Partnership work.

Additional documents:


Receipt of Petition Titled '20mph speed limit for High and Low Bentham' pdf icon PDF 230 KB

To advise of a petition containing more than 500 signatures and ask the Committee to consider a response.

Additional documents:


NYC Housing Strategy, Partnerships & Enabling – Affordable Housing Overview pdf icon PDF 2 MB

A presentation on the NYC Housing Strategy, Partnerships, Enabling and affordable housing.


Impact of Tourism on the Skipton and Ripon Constituency pdf icon PDF 264 KB

To highlight concerns previously raised by the Committee and suggest potential ways to progress.

Additional documents:


EXEMPT Care Homes Update Report

To provide an update on care homes within the Skipton and Ripon Constituency.


Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 394 KB


Any Other Items

Any other items which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances.


Date of Next Meeting

Formal Public Meetings –

Thursday, 6 March 2025 at 10.00am.


Informal Private Meetings –

Monday, 13 January 2025 at 1.00pm – Budget

Monday, 27 January 2025 at 10.00am – Lets’ Talk Active

Thursday, 6 February 2025 at 2.00pm – Economic Development and Regeneration

Members are reminded that in order to expedite business at the meeting and enable Officers to adapt their presentations to address areas causing difficulty, they are encouraged to contact Officers prior to the meeting with questions on technical issues in reports.