Venue: County Hall, Northallerton
Contact: Elizabeth Jackson, Principal Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Public Participation Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice to Elizabeth Jackson, Principal Democratic Services Officer, and supplied the text by midday on Thursday 13 February 2025, three working days before the day of the meeting. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item. Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak: · at this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes); · when the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting. If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Leader who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.
Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report Recommendations
That the Executive
(i) notes the forecast outturn position against the 2024/25 Revenue Budget, as summarised in paragraph 2.2.1.
(ii) notes the forecast outturn position against the 2024/25 Housing Revenue Account budget as detailed in section 2.3
(iii) Agree to allocate £660k of the Environment Directorate revenue underspend in 2024/25 to fund necessary fender improvement works at the Fish Quay, Whitby (paragraph 2.5.2).
(iv) notes the position on the Council’s Treasury Management activities during the second quarter of 2024/25
(v) refers this report to the Audit Committee for their consideration as part of the overall monitoring arrangements for Treasury Management.
(vi) note the updated Q3 2023/24 Capital Plan; and
(vii) approve the allocation of £660k of Environment Directorate revenue underspend to deliver the improvements to the Fish Quay, Whitby, to return it to full operation (paragraph 4.2).
Additional documents: |
Proposed Redeployment of the former Lower Graham site Recommendation
That the proposed grant of a standard academy lease of the site to the Coast and Vale Learning Trust, or a successor Trust, is approved and the surrender of the current lease over Scalby School site is accepted by the Executive on Terms to be agreed by the Corporate Director - Resources. Additional documents: |
Any Other Items Any other items which the Leader agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances |
Date of Next Meeting - 18 March 2025 at Ryedale House, Malton |
Members are reminded that in order to expedite business at the meeting and enable Officers to adapt their presentations to address areas causing difficulty, they are encouraged to contact Officers prior to the meeting with questions on technical issues in reports. |
Contact Details: Enquiries relating to this agenda please contact Elizabeth Jackson, Principal Democratic Services Officer, by email: or telephone:01423 556409