Committee details


Purpose of committee

The Executive, consisting of the leader and nine other councillors:


Leader of the Council, also responsible for communications, emergency planning. York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority lead member

Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Finance and Resources, Assets including Pension Fund, Property, Procurement, Commercial, Technology, Transformation, Revenues and Benefits, HR and Special Projects, York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority member

Executive Member for Children and Families with responsibility for Inclusion, Fostering & Adoption, Children’s Social Care, Safeguarding & Prevention

Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills, including School Improvement, Early Years, Apprenticeships, Further and Adult Education, FE colleges & UTCs, relationship with York and North Yorkshire Skills and Employability Working Group, Music Service, Outdoor Education, School Admissions, Organisation and Transport

Executive Member for Highways and Transportation including Parking Services, Street Scene, Parks & Grounds, Integrated Passenger Transport, Public Rights of Way, Coastal Protection & Flooding and relationship with Internal Drainage Boards

Executive Member for Open to Business including Planning Policy and Local Plan development, Economic Development & Regeneration, Visitor Economy, Broadband, Harbours and relationship with the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority Skills and Employability Working Group

Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing including Culture, Arts, Libraries, Museums, Archives, Key venues, Leisure and Housing

Executive Member for Health and Adult Services including Public Health and Prevention and Service Development

Executive Member for Corporate Services including Locality Working and Structures, Stronger Communities, Planning Committees, Policy & Performance, Refugee & Asylum issues, Community safety including CCTV, Legal and Democratic Services, Members support, Customer Contact, Community Networks and Parish Liaison, Locality Budgets, NYLAF & Household Support and Gypsy and Traveller issues.

Executive Member for Managing our Environment covering Natural Capital, which includes Climate Change, Carbon Reduction and Bio-diversity, Waste Collection and Disposal, Regulatory Services which includes Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing, Bereavement Services, Registrars and Coroners.


Contact information

Support officer: Elizabeth Jackson, Principal Democratic Services Officer. Email:

Phone: 01423 556409
