Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, St Luke's Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 2AE. View directions
Contact: Paul Preston Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairperson To elect a Chairman of the Committee to serve until the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2025.
Minutes: Paul Preston (Senior Democratic Services Officer) opened the meeting and sought nominations for the Chairmanship.
That Councillor Monika Slater be appointed to the Chair for the of the 2024/25 Municipal Year.
Councillor Monika Slater in the Chair. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 14th March, 2024 To confirm the minutes as a correct record and to be signed by the Chair.
Minutes: Resolved:
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2024, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the following correction:
That the apologies from Councillor Michael Harrison were added to the apologies received. |
Election of a Vice-Chair To elect a Vice-Chair of the Committee, to serve until the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2025.
Minutes: Nominations were sought for the Vice-Chairmanship.
That Councillor Peter Lacey be appointed Vice Chair for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies from Councillor John Mann were noted. |
Declarations of Interest All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests they have in items appearing on this agenda, including the nature of those interests. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Public Participation Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice (including the text of the question/statement) to Paul Preston of Democratic Services (contact details below) by midday on Friday 24th May, 2024. Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item. Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak:- · At this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes). · When the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting. If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chair who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.
Minutes: The following statement was submitted to the Committee, and read out by Hazel Peacock:
The Oatlands and Pannal Ash Road Safety and Active Travel Campaign is delighted the 20mph scheme is now at the design stage, with consultation starting in June. We thank the Highways team wholeheartedly.
There are some important remaining parts of the scheme which we would like to be included, which we hope you can assist us, in getting over the finish line.
Can officers help with answering some points of clarification, for our understanding? Are you able to outline the criteria in the classification and consideration of Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive, Leadhall Lane and Otley Road, which are not included with reduced speed limits of 20mph? We would very much like to see them, included.
· These roads are all “Category 3b roads” in Table 1, in Appendix B; Oatlands Drive, is proposed as 20mph, but the others mentioned, remain at 30mph.
· What was the process for the inclusion of Oatlands Drive as 20mph, but not Hookstone Road, given the traffic volume data captured in December 2023 and supplied to us for Hookstone Road is 6,392 per day, so lower than Oatlands Drive, which is 7,286 per day (as listed in Appendix B).
With a high density of public amenities on and just off Hookstone Road and Hookstone Drive, 4 schools, a college, a nursery and pre-school, a playing field, a business park, train station used by 893 passengers per day and the largest stand-
alone M&S Food Hall in the UK, with approximately 23,000 customers per week, safety is of paramount concern and the urban characteristics of the road a key consideration.
As you are all aware, there is continued concern about safety from local head teachers (who all support 20mph on this road), parents and local residents. This was detailed in a submission of statements to NYC citing concerns, near misses and incidents on Hookstone Road following the collision at the Hornbeam station crossing in January and the subsequent site visit with officers.
The crossing at the station bridge and by Rayleigh Rd and, the inadequate pedestrian provision on the Crimple Beck Bridge, are also of particular concern.
Finally, Appendix C states it is the view of officers that “none of the recommendations would have any adverse impacts on any of the protected characteristics identified in the Equalities Act 2010”. Please can officers outline the process in considering the equality impacts of not recommending, a reduction in limits to 20mph on Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive, Otley Road and Leadhall Lane? Particularly for age, given over 9,000 school children attend schools or college situated on and off these roads, every school day.
Thank you, for your assistance and ongoing support.
The following response was read in response by Heather Yendall (Improvement Manager):
The report being presented to the Area Constituency Committee today is intended to set out timescales for the previously agreed 20mph schemes across the south and west of Harrogate, not to discuss which ... view the full minutes text for item 65. |
Examiner's report on the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan The Committee’s views and comments are sought.
Minutes: Joe Varga (Senior Policy and Delivery Officer), presented a report outlining the Examiner’s Report on the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Development Plan and seeking the views of the ACC, in order to inform a future meeting of the Executive which is required to decide whether the Plan meets the basic conditions and can proceed to a referendum. The report sets out the independent examiner’s judgement on whether the Plan meets the basic conditions and other legal requirements and can proceed to a referendum; or can meet these requirements and proceed, subject to specific modifications being made. The examiner concludes that, subject to a series of proposed modifications being made, the plan meets the necessary requirements and should proceed to a referendum.
Members thanked officers for the report, and praised the work of the parish council in preparing a Plan that addresses all aspects of future development in a thorough manner. When considered at a future Executive meeting, it was hoped that the Executive will agree the Examiner’s findings and progress the Plan to a referendum.
Councillor Michael Harrison asked how the Plan would interact with the county-wide Local Plan, which was in the early stages of development, in the event of conflicting priorities or policies. Officers confirmed that, to meet the basic conditions, a Neighbourhood Plan needs to be in general conformity with the strategic elements of the Local Plan in place, in this case the Harrogate District Local Plan 2014-2035, but may take a different approach on detailed policy matters. Where an adopted Local Plan and an adopted Neighbourhood Plan have conflicting policy requirements on detailed matters, it is the most recently adopted policy that would apply. Work to prepare a new Local Plan for North Yorkshire is at a very early stage but, in time, this will replace the strategic context provided by the Harrogate District Local Plan. If the new overarching strategies are significantly different to current ones, there may be implications for the applicability of a Neighbourhood Plan policy that is in direct conflict, however, the potential for this arising can be identified as the new Local Plan is prepared, and the parish council may wish to consider preparing an update to the Neighbourhood Plan to follow Local Plan adoption. While this may arise for particular policies, it is important to highlight that, in practice, many Neighbourhood Plan policies cover issues in such detail that they are capable of enduring despite changes to the overarching strategies in Local Plans.
i) The examiner’s report, presented at Appendix A, on the Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Development Plan, presented at Appendix B, be noted;
ii) That the Committee recommend that the Executive to agree the following recommendations included in that report:
1) That all 35 modifications to the Plan recommended by the Examiner as necessary for the Plan to meet the basic conditions and other necessary requirements are accepted.
2) That, subject to the recommended modifications being made, the Plan meets the basic conditions ... view the full minutes text for item 66. |
Harrogate and Knaresborough ACC - £50k per ACC Seeding Fund Pot for Economic Development The Committee’s agreement and endorsement of projects to be supported is sought. Additional documents:
Minutes: Rebecca Micallef (Economy Officer) presented a report updating the Committee on the status of project ideas for the Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund. Members reviewed the completed Project Scoping Forms for the three priority projects.
Members thanked officers for their work in compiling the Project Scoping Forms, and expressed a desire that these be translated into active projects as soon as possible so that the community could feel the benefit as soon as possible.
Ongoing congestion and pollution issues around Starbeck Level Crossing in Harrogate were also highlighted, and members noted the work which had already been undertaken by the former North Yorkshire County Council in 2019 to assess barrier times, and the officers’ update that further information was required to determine whether ACC fund could be used to support future modelling work.
Members expressed a desire for a further informal scoping session, which had been successful in progressing the priority projects, to take place before the next meeting of the Committee.
That the Committee:
i) endorse the Project Scoping Forms for the following projects:
1) Decarbonising Knaresborough Wellbeing Hub 2) Harrogate Cycling Infrastructure Plan: Corridor 2 3) A59 Harrogate to Knaresborough missing link
ii) request that the agreed Scoping Proformas are presented to the Corporate Director (Community Development) for the relevant projects to be funded from the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee budget allocation
iii) hold a further informal session to consider which additional ‘potential priority’ or ‘possible’ proposed schemes to progress and undergo a more detailed project scoping process. |
Update on the 20 mph Implementation (West/South West Harrogate) Report of the Corporate Director, Environment.
Additional documents: Minutes: Heather Yendall (Improvement Manager) presented a report updating members on the status of proposed 20mph speed limits in the south and west of Harrogate, following the conclusion of the 20mph speed limit review. Members were briefed on the speed surveys undertaken to date, and an outline of the proposed next steps to seek public feedback on draft TROs, ahead of the commencement of works. Officers advised that public objections to the draft TROs would require a further report to the ACC, since the areas for the proposed 20mph limits covered multiple divisions.
Members thanked officers for the report and congratulated the Highways team for their work. Councillors Haslam and Gostlow asked what the impact of a 20mph limit would be on Hookstone Road. Officers responded that as a key link road between Weatherby Road and Leeds Road, which was used by a range of vehicles including HGVs and buses, a 20mph limit there would require extensive traffic calming measures that would have additional adverse impacts and would not be consistent with current policy. Councillors Lacey and Warneken asked whether the impacts could be looked at by officers in more detail, to determine whether the policy could be amended to allow a 20mph limit to be considered.
Councillor Harrison disagreed and argued that such amendments to the policy would delay implementation of the scheme.
That the Committee:
i) note the contents of the report.
ii) ask officers to prepare an options appraisal report, considering the impacts of varying the policy to implement temporary or permanent speed limit reductions on Hookstone Road, along with impact assessments for each course of action, to be brought to a future meeting of the ACC. |
Order of Business Minutes: The Chair announced that, subject to the agreement of the Committee, Agenda Item 14 (Harrogate Station Gateway) would be considered next. |
Harrogate Station Gateway - progress report and composition of the Working Group Member request for Officer attendance and verbal update on the progress of the Harrison station Gateway. Also for the ACC, following changes to the Membership of the ACC, to agree a new political composition membership for the ACC Harrogate Station Gateway Working Group.
Minutes: Matt Roberts (Economic and Regeneration Project Manager) delivered a verbal update to members on the progress of the Harrogate Station Gateway project. The project, whose aim was to enhance sustainable access to Harrogate Station, had faced and overcome a number of challenges and the business case had been approved earlier in 2024. Currently, an ambitious timescale was being followed which would see a detailed design by August 2024, followed by contractor pricing with a view to beginning construction in 2025. Engagement with local businesses to mitigate potential impact from the work was ongoing.
Councillor Aldred thanked officers for the update, explaining that he felt it was important for it to be held in a public meeting so that the progress could be reported openly. It was important for the Harrogate Station Gateway Working Group to meet soon and drive the project. Members had initially wanted the five-member working group to be politically balanced, but since the proportionality calculations would have allowed for no Independent members to be part of the group, instead a membership was agreed which allowed for representation from all parties and independents.
Councillor Matt Walker asked about the money which had been spent on consultants, and officers advised that now the design elements had been finalised and agreed, there were no further anticipated consultancy costs.
That the Committee:
i) Note the update.
ii) Appoint the following members to the Harrogate Station Gateway Working Group:
1) Councillor Chris Aldred 2) Councillor Sam Gibbs 3) Councillor Hannah Gostlow 4) Councillor Paul Haslam 5) Councillor Robert Windass.
Following the conclusion of this item, Councillor Harrison left the meeting. The Chair adjourned the meeting for a short break at 11:25. The meeting reconvened at 11:42. |
Otley Road Sustainable Transport Measures - West of Harrogate (Update) Report of the Corporate Director, Environment.
Additional documents: Minutes: Jasmin Gibson (Improvement Project Delivery Manager) presented a report updating members on the proposed package of measures for the Otley Road Sustainable Transport Measures for West of Harrogate, since the last update to the September 2023 meeting of the Committee. Members were informed that design works for ten schemes were in development, and initial costings were provided but that these were subject to a more detailed costing assessment once design and consultation exercises had been undertaken.
Councillors thanked officers for the reports and highlighted the need for measures to support cyclists. Councillor Chris Aldred highlighted specific proposals, which officers advised could be considered to determine their feasibility, with updates coming to a future meeting of the Committee:
i) Implementation of a toucan crossing at the junction of Otley Road and Cold Bath Road, linking into the Otley Road cycleway.
ii) Implementation of a zebra crossing at Green Lane near Ashville College.
iii) Reallocation of the £10,000 allocated for signage upgrades to other projects, where the signage was already deemed to be adequate.
That the report be noted.
Following the conclusion of this item, Councillor Gibbs left the meeting. |
Harrogate Active Travel - Update A Power-point presentation will be given at the meeting.
Minutes: Melisa Burnham (Area Manager, Highways and Transportation) delivered a presentation updating members on the progress of Harrogate Active Travel Scheme projects in 2023/24. This included details of the Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 funding, which had been reallocated to the Victoria Avenue scheme. A site visit had taken place recently with Active Travel England, and a report was due to come to the Committee in September 2024. Work was ongoing to develop the Harrogate Transport Improvement Package, with recommendations for next steps to be issued shortly. Public engagement had begun on the Harrogate Cycle Infrastructure Plan, with a series of rides planned for officers alongside members of Harrogate District Cycle Action, and approval had recently been obtained from the Corporate Director and Executive Member for a scheme along similar lines for Knaresborough.
Members congratulated officers on the progress so far, offering help and assistance to support their continued development which was noted by officers. In response to questions on timelines, officers responded that the September meeting would include updated timescales.
That the report be noted.
Councillor Gostlow left the meeting after consideration of this item. |
Stronger Communities Update Minutes: Liz Meade (Communities Area Manager) presented a report updating the Committee on the Stronger Communities Programme, and the work undertaken in the Harrogate and Knaresborough Constituency area during 2023/24. The ongoing work of building on successful Covid-19 groups continued, with the aim of supporting the health and wellbeing agenda, and members noted updates on Community Anchor Organisations, the awarding of Inspire grants, and Community Partnerships as outlined in the report. The Committee also heard that the new Localities Service was now live, comprising Communities, Parish Liaison and Local Devolution, and Migrant Programme teams.
Members thanked officers for the update, highlighting the positive work of the Community Anchor Organisations during the recent flooding in Knaresborough, and the Stockwell Community Hub Schemes as a forum for passing information on to local residents.
Councillor Aldred also extended his thanks to Mark Codman (Parish Liaison and Local Devolution Manager), who at the time of the floods had worked in co-ordinating the initial response to the flooding. Officers undertook to pass on all members’ thanks and comments.
That the report be noted, and that members agree to an annual update on the activities of the Localities Service.
Let's Talk Food - Survey Feedback Report of the Corporate Director Health and Adult Services and presentation.
Additional documents: Minutes: Angela Crossland (Head of Healthier Lives, Community and Economy) presented a report summarising the feedback received following the Let’s Talk Food survey. The survey was part of the ongoing Let’s Talk programme which provided a portal for residents to respond to a range of surveys; the Let’s Talk Food survey ran between 5 Feb and 2 April 2024, receiving 2,053 responses, including 213 from Harrogate and Knaresborough. The survey’s background, key findings, and limitations were summarised.
Members thanked officers for the presentation. Councillor Warneken expressed concern that public awareness and understanding of the issues could be improved through engagement programmes, and that the language in relation to climate change was not strong enough.
Councillor Lacey also explained that he felt the language did not convey the urgency of the health implications caused by poor and unhealthy diets, and needed to be strengthened to raise awareness of these issues.
That the report and members’ feedback thereon be noted.
Councillors Warneken and Haslam left the meeting after consideration of this item. |
Working Group Updates For ACC Members of the four Working Groups: Harrogate Station Gateway; Voluntary Sector; Climate and River Water Quality to share any updates with the ACC.
Minutes: Members noted the update to the membership of the Harrogate Station Gateway Working Group which had been discussed during Minute 70.
A short update was provided on behalf of Councillor Haslam by Edward Maxwell (Senior Democratic Services Officer) explaining that the Climate Change Working Group would meet before the September meeting of the Committee to consider future rainfall and its impact.
The Communities and Voluntary Sector Working Group was also in the process of arranging a meeting in July now that the Localities Team had been established.
That the updates be noted. |
Committee Work Programme Purpose of the report: To ask Members to consider, amend and add to the Committee’s work programme.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The report of the Senior Democratic Services Officer which invited members to consider, amend and add to the Committee’s Work Programme. Members heard that a work programming session was planned and, subject to the confirmation of a date, be held in June 2024.
That the Work Programme be approved. |
Date of Next Meeting Thursday, 12 September, 2024 at 10 am. Minutes: The next ordinary meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday 12 September at 10:00. |