Agenda and minutes

Strategic Planning Committee - Tuesday, 13 August 2024 10.00 am

Venue: The Grand Meeting Room, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD.

Contact: Stephen Loach, Democratic Services  Tel: 01609 532216 Email:


No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of this Committee, and informed Members that the meeting was being live broadcast, therefore they would need to introduce themselves when speaking and would need to use the microphones.


Minutes of the meeting held on 11th June 2024 pdf icon PDF 192 KB


Resolved -


That the Minutes of the meeting of Strategic Planning Committee, held on 11June 2024, be confirmed by Members and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor John Mann declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 6, 20/01706/EIAMAJ - Application for the erection of up to 224 dwellings, and a new school with associated roads, parking, landscaping, drainage and open space, (All matters - access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) – Land Comprising Field At 428984 452916, Whinney Lane, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, in respect of predetermination having undertaken case work on the wider plan for that area, and having previously indicated his position on the application. He stated that he would exercise his right to make a statement on the application and then leave the meeting during the consideration of that matter.


Councillor George Jabbour stated that he had previously made representations on agenda item 5, ZF24/00491/RG3 - Erection of a three-storey building for marine based activities with associated car parking, vehicle and pedestrian access roads, footpaths and limited soft landscaping at Endeavour Wharf, Langborne Road, Whitby, North Yorkshire and considered that he had predetermined the application. He would, therefore, leave the meeting during the consideration of that matter.  He also declared his Membership of the North York Moors National Park Authority and the Howardian Hills National Landscape Joint Advisory Committee.


All Members declared that they had received correspondence from either supporters, objectors or both, to the applications being considered today, prior to this meeting, but would form their opinion based on the evidence provided at the meeting.


ZB23/02461/FUL - Installation of a solar farm comprising ground mounted solar PV panels with a generating capacity of up to 49.99MW(AC), including mounting framework, inverters, underground cabling, stock proof fence, CCTV, internal tracks and associated infrastructure, landscaping, biodiversity net gain, permanent grid connection hub and environmental enhancements for a temporary period of 50 years - Land to the South of Pilmoor Grange, Pilmoor, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 2QF pdf icon PDF 782 KB


Considered -


The report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services requesting Members to determine a planning application ref. ZB23/02461/FUL - Installation of a solar farm comprising ground mounted solar PV panels with a generating capacity of up to 49.99MW(AC), including mounting framework, inverters, underground cabling, stock proof fence, CCTV, internal tracks and associated infrastructure, landscaping, biodiversity net gain, permanent grid connection hub and environmental enhancements for a temporary period of 50 years - Land to the south of Pilmoor Grange, Pilmoor, York, North Yorkshire, YO61 2QF


The application was reported to Strategic Planning Committee as it was considered that the application raised significant planning issues.


A representative of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services presented the Committee report, highlighting the proposal, the site description, the consultation that had taken place, the advertisement and representations, planning guidance and policy and planning considerations.  The report also provided a conclusion and recommendations. An update to the report had been provided prior to the meeting which highlighted alterations to Conditions 2 and 9 and provided further comments from the public and the applicant.


Divisional Member, Councillor Alyson Baker, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Cumulative impact

·        Detriment to the character and appearance of the countryside.

·        The proposal would use existing, much needed, agricultural land.

·        Lack of room/space/height for sheep grazing

·        Impact on residential properties


Liz Watson, local resident and representing a local opposition group, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Application too large to be determined by the Local Planning Authority as output under-estimated.

·        Loss of best and most versatile agricultural land.

·        Impact on landscape – detrimental to countryside

·        Cumulative impact


Peter Grubb of Lighthouse Development Consulting and agent for the applicant addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Qualified expert in these matters.

·        Secretary of State was emphasising the need to take action on climate issues.

·        Application site was the best available local land for this facility.

·        Sufficient energy for 15000 dwellings and offset 1 million tonnes of carbon.

·        Majority lower grade agricultural land.


Members discussed the application and the following issues were outlined:-


·        Food security v energy security

·        Jurisdiction to consider the application – was it above 50Mw power generation and be referred to the Secretary of State

·        Potential cumulative impact.

·        Potential noise issues.

·        Landscape impact and Landscape Plan

·        Balancing positive and negative aspects of application

·        Addressing Climate Emergency and carbon reduction


Resolved –


That planning permission be GRANTED for the reasons stated in the report, subject to the alterations to Conditions 2 and 9 outlined in the update report and the remaining conditions listed in the substantive report.


Voting on this resolution was as follows:-


11 for

1 against

1 abstain


ZB23/02015/FUL - Installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) array/solar farm with associated infrastructure (as amended) - OS Fields 7456 And 6163,Amplecarr, Husthwaite pdf icon PDF 341 KB

Additional documents:


Considered -


The report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services requesting Members to determine a planning application ref. ZB23/02015/FUL - Installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) array/solar farm with associated infrastructure (as amended) – OS Fields 7456 And 6163,Amplecarr, Husthwaite


The application was reported to Strategic Planning Committee as it was considered that the application raised significant planning issues.


A representative of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services presented the Committee report, highlighting the proposal, the site description, the consultation that had taken place, the advertisement and representations, planning guidance and policy and planning considerations.  The report also provided a conclusion and recommendations. An update to the report had been provided prior to the meeting which highlighted omissions from the original report, additional local resident representations, additional re-consultation responses from local residents, additional re-consultation responses from other consultees and comments submitted by the agent for the applicant following the publication of the report.


Divisional Member, Councillor Alyson Baker, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Policies in place for the protection of the countryside and landscape

·        Welcomed the recommendation for refusal

·        Loss of best and most versatile land

·        Sheep grazing would be difficult

·        Cumulative impact


Simon Pilcher, a local objector, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Representing a large number of objectors

·        Development in wrong place

·        Loss of best and most versatile land

·        Detrimental to local businesses and community

·        Too close to local school

·        Impact on landscape


Councillor Chris Nichols, Husthwaite Parish Council, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Representing the people of the village

·        Not the right location for such a development

·        Detrimental to landscape and best and most versatile land

·        Lost trust in scheme and process – not addressed representations made

·        Industrialisation of rural area


Michael Bird, representing the applicant addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Lives near to the application site

·        The impact on the local landscape overplayed in the report

·        The National Park Authority not raised objections

·        The impact on best and most versatile land was limited

·        The Secretary of Stated emphasised that climate change was the main issue to be addressed.

·        Solar Panel use on agricultural land was minimal.


Members discussed the application and the following issues were outlined:-


·        Energy production in comparison to size of site – changing technology make more efficient going forward

·        Weighting of influencing factors outlined.

·        Details in respect of the security fencing surrounding the site

·        The wording of the recommendation required alteration to ensure it made sense

·        Maintenance details for the Solar Panels

·        Local Plan details confirmed

·        Use of land – some land already utilised for energy generation

·        The land and landscape were not exceptional for the area

·        The loss of best and most versatile land was detrimental to the application

·        Current policy warranted a recommendation for refusal

·        There was a clear need to reduce carbon and address the climate emergency

·        The application did not accord with the current landscape

·        The proposal was not in the most appropriate place and was too near to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62.


ZF24/00491/RG3 - Erection of a three-storey building for marine based activities with associated car parking, vehicle and pedestrian access roads, footpaths and limited soft landscaping at Endeavour Wharf, Langborne Road, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 1YN pdf icon PDF 260 KB


Considered -


The report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services requesting Members to determine a planning application ref: ZF24/00491/RG3 - Erection of a three-storey building for marine based activities with associated car parking, vehicle and pedestrian access roads, footpaths and limited soft landscaping at Endeavour Wharf, Langborne Road, Whitby, North Yorkshire, YO21 1YN


The application was being reported to Committee as the Council is the applicant


A representative of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services presented the Committee report, highlighting the proposal, the site description, the consultation that had taken place, the advertisement and representations, planning guidance and policy and planning considerations.  The report also provided a conclusion and recommendations.


Joyce Stangoe of Whitby Community Network, objecting to the proposal, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        The funding for the area was welcomed.

·        Speculative development with a high risk for local Council Tax payers

·        The development was no in keeping with current buildings in that area

·        Four storey building did not fit in with surrounding buildings.

·        East Side of the Harbour would have been more appropriate for development.

·        Alternative premises were available in the town Centre to accommodate the Harbour Master.

·        Unsuitable area as in a high risk flood zone.

·        Alternative project should be considered.


Clare Plant, the agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        The proposal was proposed by the Council.

·        Extensive consultation had been undertaken and issues had been addressed in the final proposal, including those of the Environment Agency, Highways Agency and Historic England.

·        Current parking at the site was ad hoc as sections could be closed by the Harbour Master at any time.

·        Proposals for the various workspaces were outlined – these would be of benefit to business and local community


Members highlighted the following issues during their discussion of the report:


·        An illuminated sign would need pre-advertising.

·        Disabled parking provision – two bays in the proposal with none in the existing car park

·        The provision of training in local skills was important however this was not a planning requirement, nor were the details of jobs to be created.

·        Could lost parking spaces be replaced with additional parking or extended park and ride facilities – Signage would be used to direct people to available alterative parking rather than create new facilities.

·        Proposed facilities would provide a major boost to that area of the town and training in traditional activities would be most welcome

·        Local organisations were, in the main, supportive of the proposals.




That planning permission be GRANTED for the reasons stated in the report and subject to conditions listed in the report.


Voting on this resolution was unanimous


A break for lunch was taken at this stage.


Councillors John McCartney and Bob Packham left the meeting


The Meeting resumed at 1.55pm


20/01706/EIAMAJ - Application for the erection of up to 224 dwellings, and a new school with associated roads, parking, landscaping, drainage and open space, (All matters - access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) - Land Comprising Field At 428984 452916, Whinney Lane, Harrogate North Yorkshire. pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Considered -


The report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services requesting Members to determine an application ref: 20/01706/EIAMAJ - Application for the erection of up to 224 dwellings, and a new school with associated roads, parking, landscaping, drainage and open space, (All matters - access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) – Land Comprising Field At 428984 452916, Whinney Lane, Harrogate, North Yorkshire.


The application was brought before the Strategic Planning Committee because it is an application required to be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement and because the site is part of a wider ‘urban extension’ to the West of Harrogate.


Further to his declaration of interest (Minute no.60, above) Councillor John Mann addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Application was part of the West Harrogate development plan

·        Development was taking place around narrow country lanes and single track roads which was concerning to residents.

·        Overall proposals could see the development of 4k new dwellings with the potential for an additional 6k additional vehicles on the already problematic highways.

·        Urge the Committee to reject the application

·        Should the application be approved he outlined four current traffic ‘black-spots’ that required attention before the development took place.


Councillor John Mann left the meeting.


A representative of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services presented the Committee report, highlighting the proposal, the site description, the consultation that had taken place, the advertisement and representations, planning guidance and policy and planning considerations.  The report also provided a conclusion and recommendations.


David Siddans, an objector to the application, addressed the Committee highlighting the following:-


·        Represented Harlow and Pannal Ash Residents Association

·        Application first of a number in respect of West of Harrogate development

·        Accept development of housing and new school

·        Object to infrastructure proposals and delivery of that as consider to be inadequate

·        Major impact on road safety for pedestrians and cyclists

·        Local transport plan not acceptable and unsuitable for proposed development

·        Need to consider minimising car use and providing alternative travel opportunities


Justin Hancock, representing the applicant, addressed the Committee outlining the following:-


·        Report and recommendation welcomed

·        Framework for West of Harrogate development being established

·        Funding for infrastructure development being established through S106 agreement – mitigation of impact of development

·        Proposal will provide housing, affordable housing, community facilities and new primary school.


Members highlighted the following issues during their discussion of the report:


·        Addressing the issues raised by Councillor Mann – the S106 agreement would be utilised to address some of the infrastructure issues in the area, however, this application was not dependent upon those being addressed and should be determined on its own merits.

·        Infrastructure issues would be addressed as the West Harrogate project was implemented and issues identified.

·        Bus Service plan - outlined and would be introduced when viable.

·        Engagement with the local community – has been undertaken over several years to ensure the local residents were on-board with the proposals, the most appropriate development was undertaken, with appropriate infrastructure and highway links in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.


ZG2024/0241/REMM - Reserved matters application including access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of a convertor station, which was granted outline planning permission under application reference 2022/0711/EIA August 2023. pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


Considered -


The report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services requesting Members to determine an application ref: ZG2024/0241/REMM - Reserved matters application including access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of a convertor station, which was granted outline planning permission under application reference 2022/0711/EIA August 2023. - Land to the east of New Road, Drax.


The application was reported to this Committee at the request of Members when resolving to grant outline planning permission at the August 2023 meeting.


A representative of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services presented the Committee report, highlighting the proposal, the site description, the consultation that had taken place, the advertisement and representations, planning guidance and policy and planning considerations.  The report also provided a conclusion and recommendations. An update to the report had been provided prior to the meeting which highlighted minor updates to a number of paragraphs, the removal of proposed landscaping from within 7m of the ordinary watercourse and minor alterations/clarification of Condition 2.


Dan Bannister, representing the applicant, addressed the Committee outlining the following:-


·        Application would deliver vital infrastructure for the proposal

·        Project assisting in move to ‘Net Zero’

·        Improved landscaping proposals would provide at least 11% biodiversity net gain

·        Further improvements to be generated through S106

·        Work being undertaken to re-route PROW

·        Working alongside local community to enhance area.


Members highlighted the following issues during their discussion of the report:-


·        Details of the height of the buildings were clarified

·        Solar Panels could be incorporated into the design for the building at a later date but, due to license constraints, could not be used to generate energy for the grid, only for on-site use. The proposals before Members did not secure the provision of Solar Panels.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions outlined in the report and the completion of a S106 agreement in line with the terms detailed in the report.


Voting on this resolution was unanimous.


Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman should, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency


Planning application for a new Crematorium on Land West of Gravel Pit Farm to Black Dike Plantation, Sand Hutton, York. (Application reference 20/01195/MFULE) – Appeal and Public Inquiry


The Chair accepted this as an urgent item because of the need to inform Members as soon as possible.


The Committee’s Legal Advisor provided an update of the Council’s defence of an appeal and public inquiry in respect of the planning application for a new Crematorium on Land West of Gravel Pit Farm to Black Dike Plantation, Sand Hutton, York. (Application reference 20/01195/MFULE) considered by the Committee in October 2023.


That the update be noted.