Venue: Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton, YO17 7HH
Contact: Nicki Lishman email: Tel: 01653 638476
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Voting record Confirmed by general affirmation.
Declarations of interests All Members are invited to declare at this point any interests, including the nature of those interests, or lobbying in respect of any items appearing on this agenda. Minutes: Councillor Caroline Goodrick declared a personal interest as a Member of the Howardian Hills National Landscape Joint Advisory Committee. The boundary for the Howardian Hills National Landscape is adjacent to the site of the application to be considered at Item 6.
Councillor Lindsay Burr MBE declared a personal interest with reference to Item 6 as she had supported and donated to several events in Swinton village when she was a Ryedale District Councillor.
Planning Applications The Committee considered reports of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services relating to applications for planning permission. During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations received.
Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the conditions set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
In considering the reports, regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations. Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission, the reasons for that decision were as shown in the report or as included below.
Where the Committee granted planning permission, in accordance with the recommendation in a report, this was because the proposal was in accordance with the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report, unless otherwise specified below. Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are included below. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of an application for full planning permission for the change of use of land for the siting of 5 no. holiday lodges and associated works at Newlyn, Oulston Road, Easingwold.
This application was appropriate to be determined by the Area Planning Committee following a referral by Councillor Knapton due to the site having a history of dismissal at appeal and a number of material factors.
Neil Goodrum spoke to object to the application.
Jon Saddington, Agent, spoke in support of the application.
Presenting the report, the Planning Officer drew Members’ attention to:
· The planting plan, protection of existing trees and planting of replacement trees if required. · The site’s position adjacent to a settlement and its facilities. · The land levels and drainage within the site and the adjacent land.
During consideration of the item, the Committee considered the following matters:
· The location of the site adjacent to a residential area. · The history of the previous planning application for the site. · Details of how the site will operate and the Management Plan. · The design and specification of the lodges. · The land levels within the site.
That planning permission be DEFERRED subject to more information being received on;
· The land levels of the site. · The Management Plan for the use of the site. · Details of the ownership of the lodges and whether long or short term lets. · Details of the design of the proposed lodges. · The street scene and elevations of the lodges, in particular those in the northwest corner of the site.
Voting record Unanimous
Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Head of Development Management – Community Development sought determination of a planning application for change of use of agricultural and equestrian land to allow the siting of 24no. holiday lodges, 1no. wardens lodge and 1no. reception/shop with associated access, parking, infrastructure and landscaping (revised detail to planning approval 20/00701/MFUL dated 15.11.2021) on land at Daskett Hill, Sheriff Hutton.
The application was referred to the Committee for determination owing to the range of issues raised.
The Planning Officer advised the Committee that the Planning Agent had advised that the units proposed for the site were no longer available. Officers were of the view that the exact appearance of the units should be secured, prior to any decision on the application being made.
Officers had been advised that amended plans would be submitted and therefore sought deferral of the item.
That planning permission be DEFERRED in order for more information to be received including amended plans showing the exact appearance including the form, glazing and footprint of the alternative units. Any material difference may be subject to re-advertising.
Voting record Confirmed by general affirmation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for the erection of 20no. dwellings comprising 3no. one bedroom, 6no. two bedroom, 9no. three bedroom and 2no. four bedroom dwellings with associated access, garaging, parking and landscaping on land at OS Field 0042, East Street, Swinton, Malton.
The application was reported to the Area Planning Committee for determination because it was considered that significant planning issues had been raised.
Presenting the report, the Planning Officer drew Members’ attention to:
· New information shared in the Updates List issued on 20 May 2024. · A request for authority to be delegated to the Planning Manager to agree and impose suitable conditions regarding the drainage of the site. · The proposals to address highway issues on East Street, Swinton. · Off-site highway works to be the subject of a S278 agreement under the Highways Act and therefore not necessary to be included in the S106 agreement. · The available evidence of the need for affordable housing.
Kavitha Thiagarajan spoke to object to the application.
Jon Saddington, Agent, spoke in support of the application.
During consideration of the item, the Committee considered the following matters:
· The location and security of the battery storage building · The definition of the affordable housing proposed, the demonstrable need for affordable housing, its allocation and monitoring. · Highway and accessibility issues on East Street. · The safety issues associated with the pond, which was in close proximity to the site.
That the Committee be minded to approve the planning permission, subject to the conditions listed in the report and to the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement with terms as detailed in Table 1 on page 71 of the agenda. Authority be delegated to the Planning Manager in consultation with Chair of the Committee to amend the conditions subject to any further requirements of the Local Lead Flood Authority.
Voting record Unanimous.
Any other items Any other items which the Chair agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances. Minutes: There was no other business.
Date of next meeting Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 10.00am.
Minutes: Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 10.00am