Issue details

Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders for Selby Town Centre

For the Corporate Director Environment, under delegated powers, to approve the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Orders required for the Selby Transforming Cities Fund project.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/01/2024

Decision due: 6 Dec 2024 by Corporate Director of Environment

Lead member: Executive Member for Highways & Transportation

Lead director: Corporate Director of Environment

Contact: Tania Weston Email:, Tel No: 01609 532905

Consultation process

Statutory consultation undertaken in line with Traffic Regulation Order process.


Executive Member for Highways and Transportation
Member for Selby East Division
Statutory consultation undertaken in line with Traffic Regulation Order process.
Statutory stakeholders and affected residents and businesses within the vicinity of the proposed schemes consulted before final implementation.
